Saturday, April 10, 2004


A few days after posting last, I read a lengthy article on the whole school funding issue in the Des Moines Register. Evidently the Schools have lost a lot of state and federal funding in the last few years. So they have been forced to do the same or more, with a lot less money. This sheds some new light on things, and I have a little different outlook on things. I sympathize with their plight - but still, in the corner of my mind, a small voice is saying, "But WE learned how to read, write and do math without expensive computers and etc..." But I'm sure they are realizing these things too. Things are never simple, black and white. Everything is complex nowadays, especially public funding of necessities. Sorry for the gaffe.

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...