Monday, January 26, 2009


Clerihew - four-line humorous verses, named after the 19th century poet who invented the form. Below are some whimsical lines - enjoy.

Ex-pres George W. Bush,
Helicopter left with a whoosh,
Many people said, "Good riddance!"
Left our economy with a pittance.

Barak Obama just elected,
Planning for statues to be erected,
Sure hope this one, humble man
Can come up with a good plan.
Frisky cat paces floor yowling,
Bored with her small space for prowling;
So I open the kitchen door,
Push her outside, my ears ache no more.
India love story sweeps the big screen,
Pretty soon everyone has seen
Two young, starry-eyed lovers,
Everywhere but under the covers!
Cold temps permeate my house and my body,
Over coats, space heaters and perhaps a hot toddy,
Something has to succeed in keeping me warm,
So I can keep putting out verse in good form.
Thank you for reading these clerihew today,
Hopefully they brought good cheer to your day.
For sure we will all hear tomorrow,
Of the trillions our treasury will borrow!
Peace and out.

Friday, January 16, 2009

US Airways flight 1549

155 people were fortunate the other day,
Escaping disaster, and landing on a river;
Bird strikes nearly put them all in graves.
Flight 1549 was only minutes underway,
Outdoor temps enough to make them shiver;
155 people were fortunate the other day.
A sudden disaster caused unforseen delay,
Pilot Sullenberger reacted without a quiver;
Bird strikes nearly put them all in graves.
Splashdown in the Hudson, a daring display,
A safe landing "Sully" did ultimately deliver;
155 people were fortunate the other day.
Collecting themselves, passengers began to pray,
One hard bump, then they were in the river;
Bird strikes nearly put them all in graves.
Missed a bridge narrowly as the plane fell away,
In more ways than one, water is a life giver;
155 people were fortunate the other day,
Bird strikes nearly put them all in graves.
A villanelle on the plane crash and miraculous landing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Income Redistribution
The Buffets and Gates and Soros' too,
All feeding massive cash to countries overseas;
Billionaires taking US consumers loot,
Redistributing it to a world not appeased.
This has gone on for decades unrestrained,
Moving wealth created here to poor peoples;
Funding development of lands untamed,
Dictators and warlords looting their people.
Time to stop the fleecing of Americans here,
End the practice of moving money overseas;
To me it has become increasingly clear,
Grinding poverty is US consumers' new disease.
Give our money back to us, who gave it to you,
Give us our country, our future, hope itself too.
(Sonnet on the new reality in America).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time to lose the resentment?
So used to sulking angrily around,
Oppressed by that Republican presidency;
Frustrations, grudges and worries abound,
Because you-know-who had residency.
Blaming was easy for eight whole years,
No matter what, it must be George's fault!
Opposition party kept stoking our fears,
Wall street SOB's kept filling their vaults.
But now a new day is a'dawning,
Democratic administration has arrived.
Unlock our faces from perpetual frowning,
Optimism should be more than contrived.
Now it is our turn to shoulder the responsibilities,
Tackle problems with agility, avoid fanatic proclivities


Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...