Republican Candidates spewing more garbage.
The ranting of these Republican candidates are downright frightening when one sees them applied to our laws in the future. Women will have no say in what happens to their bodies. Females will revert to what they were looked upon in the 1800’s, mere chattel, cattle for men’s whims. Gay marriage? Heck no. They will be chased back into the closet with handguns and tasers. Other civil rights? good luck there.
These forces have already overturned the Miranda ruling, which stated that police have to read a suspect their rights, and make sure they are understood. They have made it possible for a corporation to donate unlimited funds to a political campaign, thereby corrupting the process. More people are going to prison than ever, for minor offenses. Teenagers are finding themselves arrested for infractions that used to be dealt with by families or school officials. There is less community mental health being offered, and more incarceration. We are becoming more and more like a repressive communist society - a true police state!
The Tea Party Nazis won’t be satisfied until everyone is either imprisoned or is wearing 24-hour electronic surveillance (except them and their families). Our entire democracy is being destroyed by a few fanatics bent on imposing their own twisted will on everyone. Today the judges and women’s rights - tomorrow - who knows?