Thursday, June 28, 2012

An unexpected optimism

An unexpected optimism

     There is indeed new cause for optimism here in the USA.   While the news issues the usual drumbeat of disasters and tragedies, there are some underlying trends that bode very well for us.    The first is the continuing gas and oil production increase here.   This is reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  And thus, our outflow of dollars to various countries, some hostile to us.   This has been something long hoped-for, and can only strengthen us.   Not only that, but it is also making possible a new re-industrialization fed by the cheaper domestic supplies.  In addition, we are adding wind turbines and other renewable energy capacities, which adds to our total production.   More energy made at home makes for a stronger, more independent homeland.

     The second trend is our increasing technological sophistication.    Twenty years ago the cutting edge was the bulky white Personal Computer, with all it’s attendant cords and frustrations.   Now we carry more powerful devices in our hands, complete with cameras and bright displays.    Our cars are getting smarter and more fuel-efficient, loaded with intelligent gadgetry.    We are even gestating a private space industry, the first country to accomplish this.   To an outside observer who is not fixated on flaws, we might seem like a very prosperous, advanced nation. 

       Of course we have many problems that need to be addressed - and many are being addressed.   But today, the highest court in the land has upheld a revamping of our health care system.    This gives me even more optimism.  It means we will continue to tinker with our systems and improve the lot of the common citizen here in the USA.     That may be the most hopeful thing of all.   Thanks for reading.

Compassion Rules

  So thankful for those compassionate human beings; Their kind manner and positive regard make my heart sing. They uplift my spirits an...