They keep spreading lies and misinformation --
He was not born here, he will do this and that.
Even though he has been governing our country,
Even though he has been creating jobs and helping people,
even though everything he says makes perfect sense...
No, the goofy goober-peas crowd will not stop until
they have toppled anyone with a high degree of
When you feel the boot of oppression
crushing down on your emaciated neck --
When you are working for less, eating less, doing less.
When you share a hovel with two other families...
When disease and overpopulation decimate the land,
religious dictates are ever more severe,
war is ever a daily part of life,
Middle class comforts are a distant memory --
Then you will know the true reward of
conservative Republican governance.
Security apparatchik - tattletale neighbors -
reduced expectations and fear pervade the land.
Freedom becomes a hollow slogan,
chanted without meaning from starving lips --
Everyone is watching everyone else for something to
Food and sleep become the new gold standard.
Welcome to the land of the tea party,
where a few wealthy owners rule over a nation of
Despair and hopelessness masked by false advertising.
Tea Amerikka 2016 - white purity, Nazi slave hate rule