Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tea Amerikkka

They keep spreading lies and misinformation --

He was not born here, he will do this and that.

Even though he has been governing our country,

Even though he has been creating jobs and helping people,

even though everything he says makes perfect sense...


No, the goofy goober-peas crowd will not stop until

they have toppled anyone with a high degree of rationality.




When you feel the boot of oppression

crushing down on your emaciated neck --

When you are working for less, eating less, doing less.

When you share a hovel with two other families...


When disease and overpopulation decimate the land,

religious dictates are ever more severe,

war is ever a daily part of life,

Middle class comforts are a distant memory --


Then you will know the true reward of

conservative Republican governance.


Security apparatchik - tattletale neighbors -

reduced expectations and fear pervade the land.

Freedom becomes a hollow slogan,

chanted without meaning from starving lips --

Everyone is watching everyone else for something to report;

Food and sleep become the new gold standard.


Welcome to the land of the tea party,

where a few wealthy owners rule over a nation of wage-slaves...

Despair and hopelessness masked by false advertising.


Tea Amerikka 2016 - white purity, Nazi slave hate rule forever.




Barefoot runner sonnet



The barefoot runner hoofs it down the trails,

showing everyone how it is done --

His feet skip over rocks, glass and nails,

At the end he laughs,  “Oh what fun!”


Younger runners fully dressed and shod

can only look on in bewilderment;

This older guy breezes past young hot rods,

Close finishes  bring looks of wonderment.


Once upon a time he thought he could not run;

A bad high school experience put a damper

on his self-confidence, spoiling future fun;

Speed-walking became the trend for this fighter...

An awakening on the water finally decided it for him,

He would run no matter what, it began on a whim!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Fair Full of Fun

Here comes a caravan of crossovers,

Minivans, SUV’s, Jeeps and the odd small car.

They park wherever they can, vying for the best deal.

Then off they go to the fair, toting necessaries and kids.

Off to see the big boars, the TV shows, the new rides;

Off to eat everything on a stick, or watch others doing so.

People watching is a huge sport.

Look at how odd that couple looks,

standing there, looking at us...

The daily news is broadcast from a stage,

talented youngsters perform their hearts out.

Weathermen wrestle snakes and gators,

And news anchors struggle to compete with it all.

Presidents and senators and candidates all

traipse through, taking their turn at the soapbox.

Some get welcomed, and others get booed --

Everyone is down-to-earth equal at the Fair.

One can live nearby and feel the rumbles,

hear the bass vibratos of the daily processions.

Humanity, enjoying itself once again.

Reveling in its own fantastic creations,
modified for maximum appeal.

The weather is even nice and cool!

Happy voices carry across the way.

Folks crowd in to see horses and mules,

Pigs, sheep, goats and tigers some days.

It will soon be over,

all the fun had,

all the calories packed on,

Sights seen and rides rode.

Another fantastic year for the Iowa State Fair.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Synthetic Happiness

role-x cleaner
Bath salts,
pipe oil cleaner,
synthetic cannabis,
dead man walking etc

--Not needed!

There are rivers and streams,
bike trails and ball courts,
books and video games,
Movies and so much music...

All legal



Wednesday, August 01, 2012

At least in Middle Age one can count their blessings, as it were.

Expressive Belly

My gut has a personality all its own,
Rising and falling like Moon-driven tides;
It expands after a meal out or at home,
Then shrinks in time, after strenuous exercise.

Rising and falling like Moon-driven tides,
It fattens or flattens at different times of day;
Then shrinks in time after strenuous exercise,
Middle-agers angst -  it will not just go away.

It fattens or flattens at different times of day,
Tautens when I’m feeling tense,
Middle-agers angst - it will not just go away,
Jiggles when I’m joyful, grows with any pretense.

Tautens when I’m feeling tense,
Who needs a face for any expressions?
Jiggles when I’m joyful, grows with any pretense,
My gut does double duty in succession.

Who needs a face for any expression,
Hope that you can digest all these facts;
My gut does double duty in succession;
Even if fitness performance goes lax.

Hope that you can digest all these facts,
Can stomach the truth about my girth;
Even if fitness performance goes lax,
I’ll still remain jolly and full of mirth.

Can stomach the truth about my girth,
It expands after a meal out or at home;
I’ll still remain jolly and full of mirth,
My gut has a personality all its own


Compassion Rules

  So thankful for those compassionate human beings; Their kind manner and positive regard make my heart sing. They uplift my spirits an...