We have planted trees all over the city,
Oftentimes right up next to each other.Recycling bins are ubiquitous,
education programs rampant.
But 40-acre or 160-acre plots still vanish,
trees and grass bulldozed for massivefamily fitness centers with spacious
parking lots. For all those big SUVS.
Enormous data centers come in to
suck our power and water resources,employing a few lucky or unlucky souls.
The mantra of economic benefits gets chanted.
Their secrecy is understandable considering
what they take from future generations,and what they offer as compensation.
Environment thieves do not openly advertise.
Hope that future generations enjoy
poking their gadgets and playing games,while they breathe some foul soup that will pass for air,
and wonder where all the real trees and real angry birds
disappeared to, once upon a time, before they were born.