Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Talented chef link

Follow this for some wonderful meal ideas, complete with screenshots.



Honey, my honey

Why do you scamper about so?
I try to bring you in before dark,
cold, damp dusk descends unsafe
about you, but you stay on your lark.

Hope that you come to the door,
but check it every twenty minutes,
just in case you get hungry.
What a troublesome bundle of fluff!

Every other time you do show up,
hungry or bored or chilled, and mewl loud,
accusing me of neglect or abandonment.
But might this time be a first?

Hit by a car?
Grabbed by a hawk or owl?
Stolen and carried afar?
Nabbed by animal control?

Just have to live with my fears again,
since I am too soft on you,
and let you outside every time
you cry “please” to me.

Not sure who is more guilty here.
Oh wait, what is that I hear at the door?

- end

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October Woods

High tech so far away now
that I am deep in elm and ash,
swooshing through leaves
as I hunt down the right trail.

Problems recede under filtered
glare of October sunshine;
“What does anything matter?
Look at the beauty of nature!”

For a time the world's problems
get postponed as I breathe
leafy air and absorb bright color.
This, a last gift from Mother...

Before she slams us with snow,
punishes us with bitter cold and ice,
hides it all in darkness so we fall.
Spring will come hard, prayer by prayer.

But today I am gifted autumnal beauty.



Thursday, October 23, 2014

New Gods

Wind turbines, wind turbines spinning away the day,
Busy blades chopping up particulate-laden air,
a harsh spin cycle
for the big polluters

Wind turbines, wind turbines catching bright suns rays,
spinning and tossing prism beams every which way.
Gleaming white towers topped by coruscating hopes.

Old windmills must have seemed like man’s prideful
assault on the gods - modern giants even more audacious
shred Odin’s beard, and rile up the denizens
of Asgard to no end. Bolts of lightning fury may
rain down upon them, yet to no avail.

Move over, obsolete deities --
the Alternative Energy gods have arrived;
They rule over all who have come before.

- end

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ballad of the new Pandemic

(tongue planted firmly in cheek - sense of humor on)

This is a tale of two doctors and a nurse,
who set out to help and came back much worse.

They went over to help, and brought back a plague.

One doctor went to Omaha and got a new serum,
He recovered and was cured, you should'a heard 'em.

They went over to help, and brought back the plague.

The other ended up in Texas and tragically died.
The relatives and the medical community cried.

They went over to help, and brought back the plague.

It was thought it stopped there, but alas was not to be;
A young nurse got infected, by some protocol breach.

They went over to help, and brought back the plague.

Now she is in isolation, and may not recover;
From the President on down, reassurances hover.

They went over to help, and brought back the plague.

Move over, climate change, forget the ISIS threat.
Any challenges from Russia will somehow get met.

They went over to help, and brought back the plague.

Economic disasters and stock market gyrations
do not really compare to pandemic mass infections.
For the time being a deadly virus has center stage,
Ebola threatens mortal fever, no matter your age.

 - end

Monday, October 06, 2014

Book Links Links Links

Experimental Tales www.createspace.com/4973862

A Strange Enterprise www.createspace.com/4281639

Shadow Intersection www.createspace.com/4113022


Happy X-ray Trails

The day we saw x-ray trails
out among some Messier objects,
enthusiasm for space was re-born.

Rejuvenated and enhanced was our
excitement for exploring the greater cosmos.
Alien exhaust plumes really got our BP up.

A building frenzy took place overnight,
New populations arose on Moon and Mars,
spinning colonies scattered like spores out
towards the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.

Although many understood that natures laws
are immutable across the Universe and time,
traveling ship captains were still surprised when
who should greet them in the vast beyond but
replicas of themselves.

Bipedal humanoids succeeded on other worlds, too.
Replete with qualities (good and bad) similar to us.
The wars began soon after. Ultimately the whole galaxy was
trashed with the scattered debris of warfare.

We never learn, no matter where we are.
Only our religion, way of life, belief system
is correct – theirs is foreign, alien, wrong.
Let the shooting begin. Let the dying keep on.
No one ever wins, until the whole universe
winds down and ends – in another


Saturday, October 04, 2014

Dissapearing Cranium

Where did you go,
Mysterious one - all head,
no body – no past - no future.
Why a girl?

You rose from flat to shimmer,
taking form and shape.
Although sculpted you
seemed to emerge from
another dimension,
Plensa's dexterous portal.

Wherever you went,
you carried the answers.
Left an empty space,
that filled up with questions
before someone shoved another
sculpture in to fill your place.

Poor substitute it is,
for your unending grace.
Perhaps someday we will
see you again, floating in space.

     - end

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Hamming it up

I decided to build a Ham Radio today,
A homemade set to transmit and receive;
Can hear overseas news without delay.

Momentous events carried on the relay,
Transmitted faster than I could conceive;
I decided to build a Ham Radio today.

Many other household projects defrayed,
intricate wiring and soldering achieved;
Now I can hear distant news without delay.

Remote greetings and frivolity also conveyed,
Cultural exchanges of new ideas to be believed;
It was a good time to build a Ham Radio Today.

Precise assembly instructions duly obeyed,
Successful operation left me greatly relieved.
Now I follow worldwide events without delay.

How many new folks I have met is hard to say,
dozens of QSL cards have already been retrieved.
I decided it was time to build a Ham Radio today,
Now I can track world events without delay.

- end

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Change in the Weather

Supposed to be sunny, they say.
Warm and balmy 70 degrees;
When morning arrives, so do the clouds.
Raindrops and wind soon follow.

Once in a while is forgivable,
but several times a week – condemnable.
Spring and Fall are unsettled of course,
so why don't they admit defeat and say,
“Folks we are just not sure what it will do.”

Honesty one can appreciate,
especially when assessing the weather.
Talking heads on TV can speculate,
turning leaves and caterpillars still do better.

- end

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...