Monday, March 23, 2015


Sinew and muscle and strain and bone,
I cut away bit by sawdust bit on the limb.
Breath coming in gasps, heart thumping along.
Showered by bark dust, shaking wobbly ladder.
Rest a while, catch my breath, then saw some more.

Staccato beat in my chest, wheezing breaths fast,
My mind wants to keep going, my body wants rest.
The brawny limb refuses to give way,
been there a hundred years, who am I to say.
But it broke and is hanging, will fall any day.

Determined old elm tree groans out in protest,
how dare you try and amputate me?
I grunt and gasp in response:
Your time has come and gone, old limb,
It is time for you to be finished off.

(addendum: It finally fell, after three days of sawing).

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

swimming in facebook space

and getting so comfortable there, I made a new nest.  Would you like to see?  Here it is:

Thanks for checking it out, and have a wonderful day.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Not one more war

No War,
No More.

Nethanyahu take your plans home,
leave us out of another killing zone.

Jews and Arabs and Persians
all have their very own versions
of right, twisted by hate perversions.

We do not want more of our kid's blood
dripping off of deaths altars in a flood.

Our nation is already bursting with
ill veterans who fought for your myth.

Take your war-kill-hate-the others home with you,
Our scarred land needs some respite from shrews.

The sun is shining on our worn and tired shores,
This Sunday is a good one for peace, not more wars!

Desperate people walking hungry decaying streets
desire nothing but a meal for the family, and Peace.


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Late Winter Reading

New Venture -

Two young men stake their future on settling an asteroid out in the Kuiper Belt.  But they soon encounter something that changes the course of human history.      (adult material contained within.)

The Osmotics

A young man decides he does not want to be a part of a reverse-evolution experiment, and goes off in search of reversal surgery.  On the way, he encounters life-changing experiences.  (LGBT title).

A Strange Enterprise

A collection of speculative fiction.  What if we skipped Mars altogether and went for Jovian Moon exploration?   An alt-history romp, and other tales for your enjoyment.    (general reading)

Whatever you end up reading, enjoy it.

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...