It has recently come to my attention
the issue of people, individuals or groups, being “Offended” and
this being made an issue of, especially by conservatives. Okay, if
they want to play this way, I can too. I propose there be no limit
on age of the fetus for an abortion – it is purely up to the
mother. And I propose that federal funding be available not only for
education and medicare treatments, but for any kind of abortion. It
is entirely up to the woman carrying the fetus and her partner.
Offended yet? I thought so.
Gay marriage is a thing to be
celebrated, and should be sanctioned by every religion in the land,
and allowed in any church whatsoever. Offended yet? I thought so.
Our society should be made 100 percent
secular with regard to any kind of government institution or
property. No prayers whatsoever, no religious symbols allowed on any
government property, federal state or city. Religion is to be
practiced and acknowledged in the home or church and that is it –
period. No crosses of any kind allowed in public, unless they are to
be Burned! Offended yet? I thought so.
So you see, taking offense can go
either way. Believe in whatever kind of magical fairy-tale god you
want, but keep your garbage out of my face, my government and my way
of life.
But while I'm on the topic, here are a
few things that really offend me:
401-K's held by millions of Baby
Boomers nearing retirement only giving a fraction of a percent
interest growth. Millions face poverty and declining purchasing
power, and rising medical costs.
Wages flat or declining in purchasing
power, while a few very rich billionaires buy up everything in sight.
Costs of drugs and medical care
increasing at least 10 percent a year, in an era of nearly no
inflation otherwise. The only reason these things are going up is
pure greed. Makes our country more like a failed state everyday.
Religious ideologues hijacking our
congress and creating gridlock, and inability to get anything done,
all because of their unwavering belief in a fairy-tale book that was
mistranslated in the first place. We are becoming more like the
theocracy of Iran every day. They should all be sent to ISIS, since
that is who they most resemble. Fanaticism is crazy wherever it
takes root.
Lots of things to be pissed off about.
Ain't it great.
Now we are all offended. What has
changed? Not a damn thing.