Monday humdrum unpleasantness,
first day back at the grind,
throw yourself into problem-solving,
Try to fix things, stretch your mind.
It will soon be over, just like
Tuesday is “get into the groove”
Work with various contractors,
dig deep into tough problems.
The day moves fast, and then it ends.
Wednesday, hump day, hope glimmers.
You fend off hassles and conundrums,
even as you peer ahead and spy a
coming weekend on the horizon.
Thursday, hopefully an easy day,
Problems come up and are
knocked down impatiently,
"get out of my way, I have a weekend
to make it over to!"
Friday, hooray!
Workingman's weekly holiday,
cheerful optimism day,
even if it gets busy, studded with
You whiz through them,
gritting teeth, “know it won't be
The end of the day blossoms,
and you trot out of work,
Steps light and spirits high.
Hopefully the weekend will
equal your soaring anticipation.
Saturday, saturnalia day, cheerful
run errands and ponder night's play.
The afternoon drags if nothing is going
Visits to home improvement places,
grocery shopping, car repair, yard
Then perhaps a nap, and on to the
special activities, whatever these may
Sunday, sleep in day two.
Recover from Saturday's excesses,
clean up the place, go to meeting,
beg for forgiveness, or not.
Lazy afternoon relaxing,
perhaps yard work and errands.
Sunday night TV viewing,
perhaps a late social encounter.
Then eat a snack and get to bed.
Monday is coming, rearing its ugly
And you just know it will not be
But we have been here before, and
survived it (just last week.)
Here we go again!