Friday, September 29, 2017

A kiss a kiss

Just realized it has been 25 years since I've kissed a woman.  And kinky me, I decided it might be fun to try it again.   Even perhaps (invoking the ghost of Hugh Hefner,) see how many kisses I can collect the last three months of 2017.  Maybe offer to donate something to breast cancer research for every 10 kisses I receive.   Hmmmm - will have to think carefully about this.  I'll tally the kisses in a kiss-notebook, describing each one - duration, quality, name and age of the kisser.  Will keep the notebook hidden - wouldn't want a kiss-and-tell situation  LOL.  

Yep, might not be a bad idea.  Seems like fun, and who knows?  I might even meet a new special friend out of it.    The clever ideas I get on a Friday afternoon.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Total Exposure

What if Einstein posted nude pics,
along with his relativity theory?
What if Picasso blazoned the web with nudes
of himself, overweight as his works were disfigured?

Bing Crosby showing off his conquests?
Errol Flynn showing off his perfect pectorals?
Tyrone power flashing his guns online,
or Doris Day or Marilyn Monroe baring all,
leaving nothing to the imagination of an
admiring Internet public?

We may count ourselves lucky that these icons,
luminaries of the past lacked such exposure.
Why tarnish our shining ideal of fame or purity?
Those days are gone forever.

What celebrity of the last 20 years has not
been exposed in every way by some net denizen?
Celebrity is more, and less, than what it used to be.
More accessible for microscope-focused public eyes;
ephemeral, temporary – tomorrow they are replaced.

An inexhaustible supply of human pride and tragedy,
playing out moment by moment wherever we want to find it.
A star career now measured in months, days, clicks –
Being famous “ain't what it used to be.”

Click and search on, net-fanatics,
someday you, too will be famous,
or at least spied on by
more than one voyeur.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

They make an appearance at last

Planted the seed with a touch of bravado,
the narrow strip of dirt surrounded by Mums.
Still, I tended the strip, pulled away crabgrass,
watered them on occasion; hope persisting.

The summer wore on hot and dry,
the tall grasses hung over them,
They broke the soil, came up slowly,
stuck spindly leaf-ringed necks out.

No flower buds appeared,
so I gave them a last drink,
consoled self (the seeds only cost a dime!).
Pulled and culled everything else,
forgot about my lost little strip of snaps.

Then one day, the last day of summer,
I walked the yard, and looked around.
Two brilliant yellow flowers peeked
out from under a Sea Oats overhang.

They made it! My beauties bloomed,
despite all the odds, the insects and moles,
the drought and creeping charlie and crabgrass.
Two blooming beauties gracing a drab area.
A lovely treat to see on this last day of summer.

(And you can see them here too.)

- end

Thursday, September 14, 2017

WTF is going on

Privatization of medicare is leaving many untreated,
while providers go unpaid and chaos seems to reign.
What is happening?

Tax benefits are handed out to companies for a few paltry jobs,
while local homeowners and workers struggle to make ends meet.
What is happening?

State workers are being denied overtime,
while the state budget consistently runs in the red.
What is happening?

New apartment complexes are popping up all over,
with rents out of reach to all but the rich.
What is happening?

The cost of ground beef is skyrocketing, and other items too.
Meanwhile, wages are stagnant, or going down due to outsourcing.
What is happening?

Intelligent workers brought here as children are being deported,
a skilled labor drain in the midst of a labor shortage.
What is happening?

Medical insurance is out of reach for more and more and more,
existing plans are disappearing, nothing in their place.
What is happening?

Hang in there, everyone out there.

- end

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Can we cure the Hurricane Hangover?

Hurricanes, hurricanes, blowin in my mind.
Causing devastation, ruining many lives.
Why do we have to endure all of this hell?
Is it our climate destruction? Hard to tell.

Tornado season seemed like it lasted forever,
All those homes shattered into so much tinder.
Now we must endure another horrific season,
A bit of sunny weather comes a teasing.

Watch all of the resort towns get flattened,
No matter how many “hatches get battened.”
Will they go through the entire storm alphabet?
All of those rescue challenges yet to be met.

How many can our United States withstand,
Before collapse and anarchy rule our land.
It looks like we are soon going to find out,
though we pray and panic and scurry about.

Perhaps they should fill tanker planes with water,
fly them to great heights to freeze their payloads.
Then swoop over the megastorm and dump the ice,
calm those hot winds and make the weather play nice.

More expensive to do this and pay a huge cost,
or endure devastation and mourn those who are lost?
Something to consider as we hunker in our shelters,
we can take bold action to make the situation better.

- end

Monday, September 04, 2017

A good weekend

Social times with friends, a visit to a neighborhood bar, a picnic, even a moonlight hike.  What more could a guy ask of a long weekend   (except maybe an extra day or two.)    Thankful for a wonderful time.

...have had worse weekends  :-)   

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...