Sunday, December 30, 2018

Unconditional Nap-love

You are having kitty cat dreams,
chasing mice and playing with strings.
Your paws knead and stretch,
cover my chest as I join in a doze.

What greater peace could one achieve
than a quiet afternoon nap with a loving cat?
Warm creature trusts so much she opens
herself up totally, cuddles complete.

Awakens, purrs some, drifts off
uttering tiny noises, twitching in
more dreams.

Eventually her stomach sends an override,
she gets up, moves off and stretches.
Then hops off the bed for a bite and drink.
Perhaps another nap or three before the
inevitable playtime in the evening.

Her strings, balls and mice await,
all sit ready to be playful kitty bait.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Just another day

Another cabinet officer jumped ship,
another scandal for media to scream.
So many top-level officials have gone,
how can anyone consider our nation stable?

But the great American circus goes on,
somehow continuing despite the calamities.
People still get up, go to work, flow thru motions.
Necessity propels us always forward, if uncertain.

Here is a wish and a hope,
that some near-future morning
we can rise and face another day
with calm and stable leadership.

Emerging scratched but whole from an insane thicket,
could achieve new heights, voting in a new party ticket.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cliches for Calamity

They are deserting him like jumping rats,
even vermin know when it is time to git!
This crippled ship of state threatens to
beach for good any day now.

While this may give cheer to the opposition,
one serious question looms...
How to rescue the rest of us?
What to replace it with?
Ships and states are not built in a day!

The deeper in the hole we get,
the further it is to climb out again.
Will we ever see daylight,
or just the glaring lamp of that
oncoming locomotive called economic disaster?

Even though I don't really believe in a deity,
times like this threaten to drive me to my
knees in supplication to something, anything
that can rescue the USA from this colossal mess.

Here is really hoping that tomorrow is a slightly better day.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sun sinking lower

That bright orb rests lower,
scrapes the southern horizon.
Usual snow is absent this time,
landscape mosaics umber and sienna.

Slight south wind balms easy this year,
streets stay clear of icy obstructions.
We can all go out and shop like crazy,
or rest at home and let that pass us by.

Winter 2018 is another patchwork,
downs and ups and extremes all over.
weather imitating the stock markets,
Not sure what will happen in either case!

Hopefully we can survive and learn from our mistakes,
celebrate another holiday, watch for inevitable snowflakes.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Want to attempt the impossible?
Just try and write poetry nowadays.
Shut off your streaming TV, hide the phone,
unplug your modem, make yourself alone.

Thus cut off from media oceans,
you can begin to create,
your page a blank slate.
Dredge up the lurking emotions...

How it felt to see the Trek family again,
the warm greetings and conversations,
Delicious treats and tasty anecdotes.
Can such things be put into words?

You can try to tame the desktop beast,
despite tempting links flashing before
your dazzled eyes, or glowing photos
tugging your attention in different directions.

I can still remember those summertime
Carnival barkers of old, yelling at you
with a hundred voices, “Hey buddy, hey pal,
come on over, try this, try that – only 50 cents!”
Now your computer or phone does it all the time.

The quiet, small stage of black and white,
marks and meanings parade across a page,
impart mental images and arrange concepts.
An escape from incessant blitz is delightful;
Hope you can enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Jefferson Iowa joins the Glittering Digerati

If Gretchen F. could visit her hometown today,
She might jump in the air and shout “Hooray!”
For humble Jefferson is getting a high-tech academy,
Silicon Valley execs investing a lot of their money.

“Let's keep the young folks at home,” is the refrain.
Bring a software company to town, to train
our collegiate crowd to create, craft and code
an exciting future for one central Iowa locale.

Congrats to Jefferson!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Influencer or Influenced

      Why not a self-referential blog post? After all, it is a self-focused activity anyway. When I first started the radical readings blog, it was actually an experimental little thing, using mixed uppercase and lowercase letters etc, trying to look cool. But I deleted my other, main blog, and this one remained, sitting unused for a while. Then I decided to try things on here. Youtube video links, or photos of the State Fair, and then finally, poetry and short stories when I got more into the literary writing thing. Now, here it is 2018, and I just hate to see this blog go away.
     After watching the documentary “Follow Me” on Netflix, it made me think about the social media phenomenon in general. Now it is not enough to just post stuff. It is much more about trying to do amazing stunts on Youtube to get hits, or take the most amazing Instagram selfie imaginable, or the most incredible Facebook post, etc ad nauseum. For me, the blog has been a way to toss out some of my poetry and writing, as well as promote my books. Guilty as charged. But I feel little remorse, aside from all of the time spent (or wasted) posting things that may be of very little interest to the rest of the world. After all, I'm in pretty good company.
     Not only famous people post things; now many become famous for posting just the right things. And it seems like most of humanity is on one kind of social media or another. To a child of the 1960s this still amazes me. The ages of being are now divided between before the Internet and online existence, and after. That line could be sharpest right around 1995-96 when masses of people started publishing their own web pages. Now, people were showing photos of their house, their pets, kids, spouses and even sexual preferences. Now, you didn't have one conventional life. Now you had two, one online and one offline, normal, static life.
     Today it has really gone bonkers. Our physical, real-world existence seems here only to feed, nurture and protect our exploding online presences. Data storage is cheap, and huge data centers are popping up all over the place. Even an online, virtual-world existence requires physical resources and real estate. There has to be some eventual place where we bump up against a limit, and have to stop, or at least shut off the devices once in a while. Who knows? If the giant FAANG companies can figure out a way to erect data centers in orbit or on the Moon or Mars, they probably will. And then we'll have even more storage for our cat pictures and grinning selfies. And I'm as guilty as anyone else. After all, I'm ranting about it here on my blog. Mike Wilson, doing his part to use up bits and bytes and disk sectors, doing his patriotic duty to consume. I salute me. And I salute you, dear reader, for your time expended on reading this er, stuff.
     I really do hope I can live twenty more years just to see where we end up. I'm amazed it has gone this far, astounded at some of the stuff people can download for free, which in the last century could only be imagined. Consumer I will happily remain, and leave it to others to try and become full-fledged Social Media Influencers . Good luck – I'll be watching. Lolz.

Monday, November 12, 2018


So I watched that old standard again last night: Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
It was a classic sci-fi film. It was full of human drama, tension, and nefarious doings. And I found myself doing some mental comparisons between 1977 and now. One woman, a main character in the film, had her living room shown quite a bit. It had a rotary-dial telephone, a fold-down stereo set, and a large television. No desktop computer, no laptop, no tablet, no smartphone, or cell phone of any kind.
In other scenes, technicians for (apparently) NASA and/or the military all speak into bulky headsets. (the kind that probably were likely common in the early 1960's Mercury space program.) There was one computer CRT, which displayed some (monochrome) number sets. Lots of spinning radar dishes and automatic cameras were seen in the final sequences. In one scene a lady is taking a lot of snapshots with a regular cartridge-film camera. For 1977, nothing unusual. For today, quaint, dated, amusing. We have indeed come a long way.
Today the Extraterrestrials would be posted about, video-ed, shared – and they would “explode” across the entire Internet. Almost everyone would have some kind of image on their phone or PC in short order. But there would still be wonder and amazement in spades. Back in 1977, we were still struggling with the construction of the Space Shuttle. Today, no American spacecraft is able to loft astronauts into orbit, although a few are under construction. It is back to the capsules for us, made by private companies. The visiting aliens would have nothing to worry about regarding Earth-originating human-crewed spacecraft.
Their arrival would generate at least as much wonder today as back then. Would they generate the same light shows, that ultimate sky disco show? Or generate the same 5-tone sequence and spread it everywhere, including all the telephones? Hard to say. Someone is going to have to make a sequel to that film, for sure. Of the ET's coming back after 41 years. Hope someone does it. Hey Mr Spielberg, are you listening???? Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Crazy Reigns These Days

Massacre at a synagogue, eleven dead.
Four policemen shot, possibly in the head.
Iowa congressman travels to Austria,
meets with neo-nazi thugs;
Companies decide to cut ties with him,
an awakening for the corporate slugs.

Our economy shines with high-powered veneer,
underneath workers struggle with poverty and fear.
Space program creeps along in fits and starts,
innovation fleeing our small-minded shores.

Seeking escape from their own pain,
people pick on others, driving them insane.
When will all of this madness end,
who can anyone really call a friend?

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Inspired Capitalism just keeps changing the world

Froth, or A Venture-capitalist religion.

Starting companies can start fortunes,
industries, pump up economies, make careers,
change the lives of everyone in a nation or the world.
Light bulb, electric generation, AC power = modern civilization.

One guy perfected the light bulb, and made over society – all of it.

Two stinky nerds in a garage built a breadboard computer,
and their legacy is a trillion dollar company,
and a smartphone in a billion hands around the globe.

It is difficult to know what will take off, make it, hit it big,
be adopted and become fashionable.

Macintosh computers were obviously advanced, amazing,
but it took another two decades for their manufacturer to soar;
But the smartphone became ubiquitous in a decade.

When you combine technology, smart humans, capitol and determination,
astounding, improbable, unbelievable things can and do happen.
They have, over and over.

This is to denote a religion of inventing.
A religion of doing, a religion of making,
a religion of creation.

Not just once. But over and over, continuously.
This is the religion of inspired capitalism.

Not quite your pop stand or flea market table, no...
The “inspired” means intelligent, driven by one or more very smart founders.
You need intelligence, a background of technology, lots of financing, and determined, dedicated,
passionate employees. A venture capitalist to sit on the board and be a shepherd, a guide, a common-sense voice. Then, sit back and watch magic happen.

The mix won't catalyze, won't combust every time.
But when it does, the world is transformed, and billionaires are minted!
And more wealth is generated for everyone participating.

It is the duty, the mission and responsibility of the founders of every technology company:
To make their organization the next Apple, the next Xerox, the next Tandem, the next world-changing company out there. To strive for anything less is to allow mediocrity and ultimate failure into your company.

(In Froth We Trust – Froth is the next Big Thing.)

Froth - A religion of Inspired Capitalism

Inspired: by the Intellect of the founders and the Determination of the whole organization.

Capitalized: by Venture Capitalists and far-seeing investors.

Religion: Generating the non-stop dedication to the cause which is to create and market products that will change the world, revolutionize our lives, create wealth for everyone.

Examples of Inspired Capitalism – world-changing companies and ideas.

Apple computer

Cisco - fistfights in the corridors, but world-changing products shipped out the door.

Intel - founded by engineers fleeing Fairchild Semiconductor in 1968.

Tandem computers - because airline and wall street computers should not crash, by golly.

Segway and it's founder – let's try a new way to get people around. Dean Kamen.

Uber and Lyft, and other sharing technologies, Bird and scooter companies.

Some products will only last a few years, but they in turn propel further innovation.

AI-powered Robots and Dolls, controlled via Smartphone (thank you again, Steve Jobs).
(Some of us still remember the days when you had to walk up to a device and turn it on, not just tap your phone.)

A few individuals, some starting financing, a good idea, and miraculous transformation occurs.

Miracles are no longer the province of old-time Christianity. Now they will happen in labs and basements and garages, from Mountain View CA to Shanghai, China.

The next hundred years will be absolutely mind-boggling. Enjoy the show.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

In memory of Gretchen Fosket

She came out of a corner,
and insinuated herself into my life.
A friendly smiling face at Alpha meetings,
A source of information about goings-on.

Her mood was not always the best,
since she battled various infirmities.
But when she smiled, she glowed,
and bestowed friendship and kindness.
She smiled often through all difficulties.
Lent support and a helping hand,
even a book to facilitate a years lessons.

Someone I did not even know,
except in reputation mis-represented.
She turned out to be a valued friend,
and a warm presence in my life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Brain noise today

First you create intent,
desire and want and need.
Create hunger, thirst, cravings.
Desires both on the surface and deep down.

Then layer it with purpose,
intent laced with planning,
cunning and subterfuge.
An innate curiosity to learn,
and thus be able to satisfy urges.

Then you package it all,
make it portable, powerful,
ensconced atop a bipedal frame.
Mobile and loaded with senses.
Visual, infrared and ultraviolet sights,
deep olfactory library capable of molecular detection.
Four grapplers, each with seven digits, super-strong.

Once your apparatus is tested and diagnosed to a fault,
then you turn it on, sit down and have conversations.
You are now “Dad” and this is “Super-progeny.”
Meta-human, our successor.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Experimenting with URE

Cocksure poesy

Am not going to be demure,
or act all prim and mature;
Why would I want to obscure
efforts to insure romances aperture.

Undertake efforts to procure
someone with investiture;
forget that I am insecure,
just enter someone's plan for a future.

Go to clubs - don't be an amateur,
look in the mirror at your coiffure;
dance with the hotties and think thoughts impure,
see if they respond to any of your overtures.

In the end was unsure
if I could endure
wading through social manure
in order to procure
someone's love and ensure
our relationship would last forever.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Underlying structure of our universe

It is all their fault.
Masses of punch cards wracked western civilization,
to the refrain of “the computer did it”
or “we are having computer problems.”
The data moved swift to magnetic media.

Some blame shifted to erasure:
“The disk crashed, the tape got erased.”
A generation of teenagers fixated on video games.
PCs and Macs took over bedrooms and living rooms,
all tied together by the new, bedazzling Internet.
Companionship and conflict shrank to a mouse click away.

While everyone used mice, that is.
The advent of the Smartphone made a
new generation act like dumb humans.
The then-current crop of teens milled around,
zombies staring at tiny screens, lost in cyber space.

Now the screens grow larger, software
more varied and complex, capabilities increased.
PCs and Macs are for the older generation.
Love and life now groove on Iphones and Galaxies,
streamed live to your favored social media platform.

deep down, below screens and circuitry,
under layers and layers of software,
those sneaky 1s and 0s shift silently around,
doing their dirty work every microsecond,
nanosecond, picosecond.

Social discontinuity is all their fault,
and they control the universe now:

01001110 01001111 01001000 01000001 01010100 01000101

Sunday, September 23, 2018

New Decoration

Did they leap off the bridge,
catch a boot before the plunge?
Or was it a memento of past
roundups and romps on the range?

Trinkets get placed on pedestrian bridges,
locks symbolizing true love,
ribbons honoring a relative,
even commemorative plaques.

Never seen a leather boot on there!
What drugstore cowboy or range rascal
would part with such a precious icon,
replete with decorative eyeholes?

Unless there is a body with the other boot,
floating downriver;
or some motorcyclist is missing a
piece of valued luggage,
flung away while they were roaring
down a nearby road.

If boots could talk, then we would know.
So we speculate away, until someone
tosses the thing into the river,
or takes it away as a souvenir
of the wild, untamed Midwest.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Same to you and more of it

All around me now is quiet,
so nice to experience peace.

Flowers still bloom and trees stay green,
wind sways weed stalks, spores release.

Rain comes flooding in and wets the world,
soaks all the flowers and fleeces the trees.

Relaxing indoors is fine, quietude better.
One can contemplate and be at ease.

Enjoyed meeting with a group earlier,
we swapped funny anecdotes and left all pleased.

We take our wins and savor them at home,
prepare for the next problem or disease.

Another one always looms up ahead,
must stay alert, new problems never cease.

Am so thankful for past party enjoyments,
But always hoping for more joy to seize.

All around is discontent, scarcity, frustration, aggravation;
hidden by walls of brick, wood or some stucco frieze.

Best thing to do seems to keep plodding along,
stay alive, make money and the angry gods appease.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Native Energy

     Humankind has been studying using power from the sun for thousands of years. Evidence of early ovens and windmill-like devices from around 100-200 AD has been found. Over succeeding centuries, minor and major improvements have been made. By the 1400s, windmills were being used all over Denmark to pump water and so forth. In the twentieth century, wind and solar technology really made strides.

     Nowadays, one can see wind turbines in fields in many US states and even offshore, as well as in many other countries. We are deploying renewable energy technologies at an accelerating rate, and this bodes well for the environment as well as our energy security. But, due to factors like increasing population, our demand for fossil fuels seems to keep going up. More oil wells are being dug in areas from North Dakota to Texas. We continue to import oil from around the world. And oil pipelines are constructed to move the oil to refineries. Our environment suffers, from burning fossil fuels, and from pipelines leaking crude oil onto and into the earth. Pipeline rights-of-way have barged through sacred native burial grounds, and through watersheds. We keep having problems of various kinds due to our continued addiction to crude oil.

     There are various movements and groups trying to combat this. And to their credit, some utilities have undertaken large-scale deployment of wind turbine farms, and solar generation facilities. So there is hope. Nevertheless, coal plants are still used to generate electricity, and until we can shutter most or all of these, our air and water will continue to be polluted. So: one additional solution might be to form more local alternative-energy co-ops and groups, and even companies. These might be comprised of one or more Native American tribes pooling their resources, forming companies, either nonprofit or for profit, and diving into the alternative energy arena. Rather than simply running a casino, and keeping up with the Jones's, one or a group of tribes could do something revolutionary. Form a working group to form a corporation to deploy and sell alternative energy.

     This could consist of small solar installations on tribal homes, and setting up a billing system that would be fair and equitable to all involved. Or perhaps investing in a cooperative wind turbine or turbines. From there, expand it out to nearby homes, schools, businesses. Instead of waving signs and screaming at the pipeline companies, beat them at their own game. Offer energy alternatives.
One area that seems to be ripe is car charging stations. I see a few of these at libraries and public buildings. But there are many, many times that number of regular gas stations/convenience stores. Either set up a card-activated charging station, or partner with convenience store chains to set up charging units, with every charge sending a payment back to the NAE – Native American Energy – corporation, for example. Something to consider.

     In any case, it is gratifying to see more and more folks adopting alternative energy. Just today I read in the news that Jaguar is bringing out their own luxury all-electric vehicle, to compete with Tesla. More and more are seeing the benefits of adopting alternative propulsion, transportation, and all around energy. Native American tribes could do the same to help confront the pipeline intruders. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Touring a WWII LST the other day

Weapon sentinels take aim at the sky:
Be warned, Stukas and Zeroes:
You are a target in our sights.
Mighty engines rumble underneath,
carrying troops and equipment to some distant beach.

With massive steel bulkheads and supports,
large hoists and cranes, even a patrol boat
carried on a side hoist for outside inspections.
Everything in this giant transport from another era
overwhelms, imposing in strength and purpose.

In a day when wars were fought closer,
more often in direct sight of an enemy,
These vessels of conflict were “all in.”
Armed, armored and provisioned,
they had to be ready for any contingency.

US shipyards built over a thousand of these LSTs,
each more than the length of a football field.
Churchill called them “The ship that won the war.”
When you take in the full view of this massive craft,
you can believe they played a major role.

Quite an accomplishment for industry in 1945.
One wonders if we could match that kind of effort now.
Here is hoping that we never have to find out.

(Picture credit Wikipedia)

Friday, August 31, 2018


No more Native American canoes float over the waters,
now heavily laden barges set the river channel's pace.
Pleasure boaters dash to and fro at the edges, while
the Channel Catfish, Carp and Bass shelter where they can.

The river shines and sparkles in late-morning sun,
Moving soddenly through a large industrial area;
picks up tons of detritus while reflecting along the way,
as it journeys ahead, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

The river provides beauty and takes up tons of soil.
Our “Father of Waters” does a lot for people,
carrying barge traffic and pleasure boaters,
and various species of fish and crustaceans,
along with treated wastewater and storm runoff.

It has flowed for many years, even changed course
over the eons, and just keeps on flowing today.
Still an inspiring sight for any who care to gaze,
whether from high up on a bridge,
or next to a wooded riverbank.

I am so glad it is here to provide inspiration for me,
and hopefully for many, many generations yet to be.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Moving Detritus

Transitory Sweep

Fifteenth floor, deploy the broom.
Sweep steady, back and forth, back and forth.
Step down one, sweep the stair, poke the corners,
find some gravel? Sweep it into the scoop.
Step down one, sweep sweep sweep
do not lock the knees, that will make me faint.

I gain the rhythm, daydream some, occupy
different lands, times, worlds. Stumble,
right myself, pay attention: the landing is coming.
Sweep across the landing, check the corners.
Whew! Take some breaths, curse the stifling heat.
Sweep sweep sweep, got a coffee break to keep.

Sweep sweep sweep, it will be worth it on the
weekend, when payday arrives, ka-ching!
Ka-ching ka-ching, money into my bank account,
sweep sweep sweep dollars into retirement accounts.

Sweep sweep sweep - it will all be worth it.
See, there goes another floor, sweep past the exit door.
Back to the stairs, step down one, sweep sweep sweep.
Soon I reach six, where did those upper ones go.
Sweep sweep sweep, no here comes five, hurray!

Sweat drips down my polyester shirt, I shake it off,
sweep sweep sweep, take some deep breaths, keep going.
(No matter what I have to keep going.) May be over
sixty, but am getting closer to first floor now, and that
coffee break is closer than ever before. Just got to
keep my body going, sweep by sweep, step by step,
down, down, down into the basement stairwell.

Ahhh, coolness of lower air masses, and the sounds of
subfloor machinery. The last doors are breached, the last
landings swept away, the last rugs border-swept. And the
old body sweeps on to victory over dirt once again.
Wow, that must be some kind of record – at the least,
it all keeps the calories down. Sweep and done!
Saunter down the basement passage, sighing and gulping air.
Soon, coffee will follow. Ahhh.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Good Chemistry on a Sunday Afternoon

Sometimes just a few things have to be
spun in the right way,
just the right amounts.

Perfect weather,
congenial hosts,
the right mix of crowd,
no one with any extreme grudges.

Just friendly hellos,
tasty meats grilling,
chips and drinks and chatting.
a soak in cool pool water,
intermittent sunshine,
relaxation and conversation.

Eating and talking quietly,
no pressures.
Rest and chuckles and smiles,
ease and poise and restoration.

All too soon, it is
time to go,
bathed in afternoon sunlight
one last moment before we leave.
Ethereal snapshot of momentary bliss.

Driving away,
I know
I have just had a wonderful experience,
and wish it could go on and on and on.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Expansion Outline

We (humanity) have now explored the entire Solar System with robotic probes, and we are maintaining the ISS as an occupied outpost. Soon, hopefully, we will be building the Gateway station near the Moon. Here is a proposed outline of ownership and building-out of space facilities.
Firstly, while we complete the Gateway station, and begin occupying it, this will probably be a multi-national effort, involving governments. The US can use its SLS and Falcon Heavy rockets to assemble a core, in conjunction with Russian help. Then, hopefully the Europeans will join in with a module or two. Meanwhile, the ISS, getting long in the tooth, will be increasingly turned over to commercial interests. This will eventually become a tourist destination, perhaps with additional (Bigelow?) hotel modules and so forth. Commercial companies can contract with NASA etc to keep the station's life support and life necessities (recycling especially) functioning. The main focus of NASA/ESA/Roscosmos will shift to Gateway Station, and eventually the surface of the Moon.

NASA/ESA/Roscosmos etc should then establish a permanent Lunar base staffed by 4 to 6 astronauts. These can be rotated in and out every six months or so, since they will have some gravity to prevent bodily stresses and bone degradation. They could be ferried up to the Gateway, and then ferried home, with no necessary stopover on ISS (unless they want to.)
By the time NASA/ESA/Roscosmos completes the Lunar station and commences regular missions there, the ISS should be a 90 percent commercial operation, with government involvement only as consulting in keeping life support functional. The Gateway station should be shifting over to commercial ventures as well, like tourism.

The next step might be a station orbiting the Sun, halfway between the Moon and Mars (the orbital path). Perhaps mini-shuttlecraft would travel between the Moon and this platform. Once a small crew is occupying this platform, they would do long-term studies of issues like radiation and weightlessness, and transfer of material between the Moon and Mars. Some materials would concurrently be shipped to Martian orbit, to begin construction of a large, orbiting Mars station.

As the focus shifts to the mid-point platform and the Mars orbital station, operations on the Moon would be more and more commercialized, paying more of their own way, so governments can shift their focus further and further out. Casinos, care centers for the elderly, mining and adventure tourism would settle in. In this way, as each succeeding station or outpost is built further out, the preceding ones become more commercialized and self-sustaining.

Until such point is reached that, one day, we are all the way out beyond the orbit of Saturn. By this time, the Moon should be almost an economic backwater, occupied mostly by automated mining and observation stations, and Mars should be a buzzing hive of economic activity, with several colonies on the surface and underground. Commercial can follow governmental exploration, as humanity learns to live and thrive in a variety of new space environments. We will show our ever-changing adaptability and cleverness as we ultimately conquer our entire Solar System. By this time we should be so good at harvesting asteroidal materials, that shortages of material things should be relegated to a dim, harsh past, only remembered by our great-grandparents in their care centers on the Moon.

- end

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Short Stories for Summer Reading

Enjoy some light sci-fi and fantasy reading this summer.

Twenty-Nine Stories

Have Fun!

Haiku Four - honoring a former Iowa Governor

hot southern winds blow,
carry away dripping sweat;
see procession pass.

Governor's honor,
good man honored by public.
Rest in peace Bob Ray.

Example to all,
humanitarian life;
historic high mark.

Words few or many,
inadequate to express the admiration
for a human being who lived his beliefs,
walked the walk,
put his acts beyond where his mouth was.
Would that we could do half as good.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Haiku Three

smartphone informs me
TV programs delight me
bugs eat my garden

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Haiku Two

Twenty-five years ago, in 1993,
all 99 Iowa counties were declared
disaster areas, qualified for federal aid.
250,000 people were without drinking water.

Now, today, the Saylorville reservoir is full,
not quite to overflowing.
More rain is on the way this weekend.
Rain in northern Iowa that will flow our way.

We had a letup this week, with lots of sunshine.
The calm before the storm?
Another major disaster looms?
Anything can happen, and usually does.

Here is hoping this is not the case,
that the rains will be gentle, mild, light.
That more sunshine will drop the reservoir,
lower the rivers and streams back to normal.

Cross your fingers everyone.
And keep emergency supplies handy.

- - - - -     Haiku Too

more rain keeps coming,
reservoir filled to the top.
get ready, Des Moines.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Haiku one

rains fall down endless
water flows against gravity
plans and lives submerged

Friday, June 29, 2018

Blocking Financial BS

There have always been pursuits of a better economic system for transacting business.
The latest incarnation is, of course, the Blockchain, and digital currencies. The idea seems to be to remove the central banks from these transactions, and simply have people exchange digital chits back and forth. Trouble is, theories seem simple, until you put them into practice. Bitcoin has been reported on extensively. This currency seems safe, in that it is pegged to the total quantity of gold – 21 million ounces or somesuch. So its value is going to go up, theoretically. But somehow, the digital entity, decentralized as it is, got swept up in speculative frenzy last fall. The value of one bitcoin went ou to near 20,000.00 – and then collapsed. Now it stands at around $6,000.00 .
     This behavior seems remarkably like any other bubble or speculative froth. What was supposed to be a distinct entity, not at all like some penny stock, ended up behaving a lot like some penny stock, some pump and dump thingy. The blockchain technology itself is suspect now. It seems to require more and more computing power, as the ledger contains all of the transactions ever made regarding the digital currency. Some are saying that the processing power to “mine” bitcoin or process the ledger's transactions is equal to that of a small country. Others are saying that the blockchain model is good for pursuing other goals that require huge amounts of processing power.
     To me, the whole idea of crypto-currency seems to be a real slick way for one or a small group of people to print money on a colossal scale. The recent story in Wired about the Tezos currency is a good example. Time will tell, and I could be wrong. But for the average small investor, with only a few bucks to spare, my advice is this: Open a savings account, and toss some money in every month.       You will keep all of it, and you should even get some fractional interest money. No commissions, no transaction fees, and no bullshit. Just your money in the bank. Oh yes, and try not to touch it.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


The salamander can automatically regenerate a limb. The hydra, a microscopic water animal, contains a lot of stem cells and can continuously regenerate itself – it is being studied for longevity properties.
     There are intangible things that also endlessly regenerate. The bright optimism of the young.
Glowing promises of politicians and salespeople. Hope of oppressed humanity everywhere that somehow, things will get better tomorrow than they are today.
     Oh, and hatred. Hatred is a ten-headed monster that endlessly regenerates, no matter how much love, tolerance or tit-for-tat we hurl at “it.” Repressive politicians promise justice and retribution. White Supremacists wave swastika flags, and sprout like dandelions all over the landscape. Mass migrations and refugee exodus happens over and over, with a predictable reaction, over and over.
     Us versus them, my tiny infraction is nothing compared to your major crime, get your uniqueness off of my unique patch of earth. Hatred springs eternal. Fortunately, like cold to hot, so does love. The duality of nature seems to go on forever. It is beyond comprehension to know when it will all end.

- end

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Summer Reigns

The bees, flies and mosquitoes know it,
flowering shrubs and weeds show it.
Birds sing melodious tributes to it,
Soft sprinkling breezes add a caress to it.

The warm season is here, high summer!
Festivals add their own gaiety and color,
outdoor concerts send aloft musical notes.
Live theater, picnics, gatherings of happy folks.

Highways are crowded with eager travelers,
plans made, executed, changed over and over.
Movie theaters pack them in with a new mega-show,
Even political machinations 'take a back seat' when
confronted with peoples summer celebrations.

Us creatures of usual habits and social certainties
emerge from our burrows and throw lawn parties.

Enjoy the ephemeral Iowa summer beauty,
before comes too soon another winters cruelty.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

pollinators going wild

Summer Solstice

Another June 21st,
Solistice has arrived.
The woods are lush with greenery,
birdsong suffuses the air.
A great time for a photo and video walk.

Enjoy the beauty.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Your Personal Infinity War

The young people today can view
mighty heroes of all kinds on the move.
They slay dragons, smite evil aliens,
take on mega-sized transforming monsters,
save the day and make the ultimate sacrifice.

A dying hero might mumble,
“Don't worry about me, just save Sarah
and get the jewels to Central Command.
They must destroy the black hordes to save
humanity for all time.”
Moviegoers or Streaming-watchers sit transfixed,
their minds grappling with such a supreme sacrifice.

But take heart, beleaguered colleagues!
Worry not, Christian soldiers and Freedom Fighters!
You do not have to face killer aliens,
giant demons or marauding Orcs.
Not even treacherous mob bosses or backstabbing
business associates. No, none of that.

All you have to do to change
the course of time and history is...

ready yourself........

Vote in the elections this November.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Evolution - will we lose the vocal cords?

First there were the PC's, all the rage.
Everyone wanted one – celebrities were touting them.
“Do your homework.”
“Save Recipes.”
“Learn programming!”

They matured, and became indispensable.
Then, the Internet burst upon the scene.
A novelty at first, it took around 20 years.
Now it is ubiquitous – everywhere.

The smartphone debuted in 2008.
ten years alter, they are all over the place.
Indispensable for many things.
What is next?

Some kind of wearables.
Glasses most likely.
Or those in combination with implantable
electrodes, lenses, memories.
And everyone will want one.

Typical college dorm room, 2118. A group of students are perched on the bed, or desk, or against a windowsill. They are all jacked in to a wireless device. Each is “seeing” a common space. They have learned to use brain interfaces to wi-fi tech. They are all seeing the same space, and their avatars are talking, or accessing the net, showing, sharing, enjoying video experiences. An alert pops up. They break trance, and unjack. The Dean is givign a common speech, and attendance is required. Even though he could transmit it to them all, old ways still have to be given their due. They disperse to their respective rooms, to perhaps clean themselves up a bit before meeting in the common area.
Higher-end gear allows for a more immersive experience. While dollar-store stuff only allows for crude outlines. But everyone gets a jack when they reach puberty, and they can be re-fitted every few years as one ages. This revolutionizes everything from controlling household bots to medical diagnosis, to socialization and even pornography. Vocal cords begin to get rusty as they are used less and less. Eventually humanity may not need these at all. Like cursive writing, polite conversation goes the way of the buggy whip.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Days Fast Passing

Our youthful faces leave no traces,
just the spaces
between widening pores,
and packed halls of memory stores.

The days pass and then they are done,
one by one – one by one.
Only good memories (and pains) remain.
Age presages me no longer being.
Nothing can prepare one for death.

How slow and dragging at times,
swift and fleeting upon recollecting;
I muse and smile, or reminisce and grimace.
Cannot sit still like a dead fly on the windowsill,
must rather raise and hover and seek like the dragonfly.

Make more memories in the tiny time that remains,
powerful flashes to fill the last legions of cells.
What can one do with limited funds and means,
make the meager resources count and stretch that last blast?
The Internet can tell and show and help and point,
Go on an adventure, take a cruise, feed a rave crave.

I'll make my last memories and you can make yours,
someday other scorekeepers will see who did best,
made moments last, had the most incredible last flash.
Time's arrow never stops, nor turns backwards,
We will ride that train to the very last brilliance,
and no one will mourn the fun we all had.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Imitating Leadership

Poor Nate,
his campaign must abate,
Will garner much hate,
and animosity.

Should he now just skate?
Just another sad reprobate?
There will be ferocious debate...

But oh, wait!
The Donald was accused of the same thing,
many times magnified - and he still won!
He is now our President!

So ignore the slings and arrows of fate,
do not dither or hesitate;
Go ahead and run, Nate!
You can win too - anything is possible these days.

Do not procrastinate - Go, Nate, Go!

Sad update - campaign cancelled - no more Nate
It is a shame - the other side will celebrate!

Friday, May 18, 2018

crazy days here

Warmer weather has finally arrived;
no more ice traps thrown across our paths.

Now it is idiot-time, mayhem-season.
When booming beats vibrate from cars,
drunken fools snarl the highways,
drug parties sprout up like noxious weeds.

Bonfires color and smudge the night sky,
hollering voices punctuating smoky air.
Gunshots stitch through the night madness,
wrecks litter pavements with anonymous debris...

And emergency rooms admit patients with
little information other than a fake name.
Five'o'clock news titillates with tragedies,
and we shake our heads in wonder, thinking
“Where has our civilization gone?”

The line between “exciting” and “deadly”
thins all the time, becoming invisible.
More tragedies, scores and grudges settled,
futures eliminated with hidden handguns.

Party on, misguided souls, and thin the gene pool.
I won't stand in your way:
I'll be home behind a locked door,
watching your mug shots parade past on the news.

Part of me will pine away for the peace,
quietude after a thick blanket of January snow
descends upon our fair city, putting us to rest.

- end

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...