Our youthful faces leave no traces,
just the spaces
between widening pores,
and packed halls of memory stores.
The days pass and then they are done,
one by one – one by one.
Only good memories (and pains) remain.
Age presages me no longer being.
Nothing can prepare one for death.
How slow and dragging at times,
swift and fleeting upon recollecting;
I muse and smile, or reminisce and
Cannot sit still like a dead fly on the
must rather raise and hover and seek
like the dragonfly.
Make more memories in the tiny time
that remains,
powerful flashes to fill the last
legions of cells.
What can one do with limited funds and
make the meager resources count and
stretch that last blast?
The Internet can tell and show and help
and point,
Go on an adventure, take a cruise, feed
a rave crave.
I'll make my last memories and you can
make yours,
someday other scorekeepers will see who
did best,
made moments last, had the most
incredible last flash.
Time's arrow never stops, nor turns
We will ride that train to the very
last brilliance,
and no one will mourn the fun we all