Friday, May 25, 2018

Days Fast Passing

Our youthful faces leave no traces,
just the spaces
between widening pores,
and packed halls of memory stores.

The days pass and then they are done,
one by one – one by one.
Only good memories (and pains) remain.
Age presages me no longer being.
Nothing can prepare one for death.

How slow and dragging at times,
swift and fleeting upon recollecting;
I muse and smile, or reminisce and grimace.
Cannot sit still like a dead fly on the windowsill,
must rather raise and hover and seek like the dragonfly.

Make more memories in the tiny time that remains,
powerful flashes to fill the last legions of cells.
What can one do with limited funds and means,
make the meager resources count and stretch that last blast?
The Internet can tell and show and help and point,
Go on an adventure, take a cruise, feed a rave crave.

I'll make my last memories and you can make yours,
someday other scorekeepers will see who did best,
made moments last, had the most incredible last flash.
Time's arrow never stops, nor turns backwards,
We will ride that train to the very last brilliance,
and no one will mourn the fun we all had.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Imitating Leadership

Poor Nate,
his campaign must abate,
Will garner much hate,
and animosity.

Should he now just skate?
Just another sad reprobate?
There will be ferocious debate...

But oh, wait!
The Donald was accused of the same thing,
many times magnified - and he still won!
He is now our President!

So ignore the slings and arrows of fate,
do not dither or hesitate;
Go ahead and run, Nate!
You can win too - anything is possible these days.

Do not procrastinate - Go, Nate, Go!

Sad update - campaign cancelled - no more Nate
It is a shame - the other side will celebrate!

Friday, May 18, 2018

crazy days here

Warmer weather has finally arrived;
no more ice traps thrown across our paths.

Now it is idiot-time, mayhem-season.
When booming beats vibrate from cars,
drunken fools snarl the highways,
drug parties sprout up like noxious weeds.

Bonfires color and smudge the night sky,
hollering voices punctuating smoky air.
Gunshots stitch through the night madness,
wrecks litter pavements with anonymous debris...

And emergency rooms admit patients with
little information other than a fake name.
Five'o'clock news titillates with tragedies,
and we shake our heads in wonder, thinking
“Where has our civilization gone?”

The line between “exciting” and “deadly”
thins all the time, becoming invisible.
More tragedies, scores and grudges settled,
futures eliminated with hidden handguns.

Party on, misguided souls, and thin the gene pool.
I won't stand in your way:
I'll be home behind a locked door,
watching your mug shots parade past on the news.

Part of me will pine away for the peace,
quietude after a thick blanket of January snow
descends upon our fair city, putting us to rest.

- end

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Always a critic

But someone has to say it   *grin*

There exists a triangular swath of bottomland,
right next to a busy highway, marked as a preserve.
The rumble, growl and whoosh of countless cars
serenades a few blackbirds as they flit around.

The spot of wetland has a gravel trail through it,
leading to a raised viewing area. One can look thru
binoculars to see various birds shown on information plaques.
If any are around.
I have never seen any large birds there,
despite visiting many times.

Perhaps all of the growling, snarling motors
tend to discourage any waterfowl from
taking up residence at the preserved site.
Kind of like people.

Would you want to build a house right next
to a noisy highway? Didn't think so.
Neither would I.

Have a good Monday.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Happy five-one

closer to payday.

Dance around the maypole,
dodge all the raindrops and lightning bolts.
For some of us it is just another birthday.

International Workers Rights day,
started in the US, adopted by the commies,
honored by loyalty day in the 1950s.
Venerated in some fashion by most of us.

To me it means balmy breezes,
no jacket worn outdoors,
trees and shrubs exploding with fragrant blossoms.

Presages a month when one just wants to move outdoors,
live under some beautiful tree,
forget all the problems and concerns
that will, nevertheless,
rear their ugly January-like heads.

Happy warm weather day everyone.

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...