No more Native American canoes float
over the waters,
now heavily laden barges set the river
channel's pace.
Pleasure boaters dash to and fro at the
edges, while
the Channel Catfish, Carp and Bass shelter where they can.
The river shines and sparkles in
late-morning sun,
Moving soddenly through a large
industrial area;
picks up tons of detritus while
reflecting along the way,
as it journeys ahead, all the way to
the Gulf of Mexico.
The river provides beauty and takes up tons of soil.
Our “Father of Waters” does a lot
for people,
carrying barge traffic and pleasure
and various species of fish and
along with treated wastewater and storm
It has flowed for many years, even
changed course
over the eons, and just keeps on
flowing today.
Still an inspiring sight for any who
care to gaze,
whether from high up on a bridge,
or next to a wooded riverbank.
I am so glad it is here to provide
inspiration for me,
and hopefully for many, many
generations yet to be.