Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Brain noise today

First you create intent,
desire and want and need.
Create hunger, thirst, cravings.
Desires both on the surface and deep down.

Then layer it with purpose,
intent laced with planning,
cunning and subterfuge.
An innate curiosity to learn,
and thus be able to satisfy urges.

Then you package it all,
make it portable, powerful,
ensconced atop a bipedal frame.
Mobile and loaded with senses.
Visual, infrared and ultraviolet sights,
deep olfactory library capable of molecular detection.
Four grapplers, each with seven digits, super-strong.

Once your apparatus is tested and diagnosed to a fault,
then you turn it on, sit down and have conversations.
You are now “Dad” and this is “Super-progeny.”
Meta-human, our successor.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Experimenting with URE

Cocksure poesy

Am not going to be demure,
or act all prim and mature;
Why would I want to obscure
efforts to insure romances aperture.

Undertake efforts to procure
someone with investiture;
forget that I am insecure,
just enter someone's plan for a future.

Go to clubs - don't be an amateur,
look in the mirror at your coiffure;
dance with the hotties and think thoughts impure,
see if they respond to any of your overtures.

In the end was unsure
if I could endure
wading through social manure
in order to procure
someone's love and ensure
our relationship would last forever.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Underlying structure of our universe

It is all their fault.
Masses of punch cards wracked western civilization,
to the refrain of “the computer did it”
or “we are having computer problems.”
The data moved swift to magnetic media.

Some blame shifted to erasure:
“The disk crashed, the tape got erased.”
A generation of teenagers fixated on video games.
PCs and Macs took over bedrooms and living rooms,
all tied together by the new, bedazzling Internet.
Companionship and conflict shrank to a mouse click away.

While everyone used mice, that is.
The advent of the Smartphone made a
new generation act like dumb humans.
The then-current crop of teens milled around,
zombies staring at tiny screens, lost in cyber space.

Now the screens grow larger, software
more varied and complex, capabilities increased.
PCs and Macs are for the older generation.
Love and life now groove on Iphones and Galaxies,
streamed live to your favored social media platform.

deep down, below screens and circuitry,
under layers and layers of software,
those sneaky 1s and 0s shift silently around,
doing their dirty work every microsecond,
nanosecond, picosecond.

Social discontinuity is all their fault,
and they control the universe now:

01001110 01001111 01001000 01000001 01010100 01000101

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...