Sunday, December 30, 2018

Unconditional Nap-love

You are having kitty cat dreams,
chasing mice and playing with strings.
Your paws knead and stretch,
cover my chest as I join in a doze.

What greater peace could one achieve
than a quiet afternoon nap with a loving cat?
Warm creature trusts so much she opens
herself up totally, cuddles complete.

Awakens, purrs some, drifts off
uttering tiny noises, twitching in
more dreams.

Eventually her stomach sends an override,
she gets up, moves off and stretches.
Then hops off the bed for a bite and drink.
Perhaps another nap or three before the
inevitable playtime in the evening.

Her strings, balls and mice await,
all sit ready to be playful kitty bait.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Just another day

Another cabinet officer jumped ship,
another scandal for media to scream.
So many top-level officials have gone,
how can anyone consider our nation stable?

But the great American circus goes on,
somehow continuing despite the calamities.
People still get up, go to work, flow thru motions.
Necessity propels us always forward, if uncertain.

Here is a wish and a hope,
that some near-future morning
we can rise and face another day
with calm and stable leadership.

Emerging scratched but whole from an insane thicket,
could achieve new heights, voting in a new party ticket.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cliches for Calamity

They are deserting him like jumping rats,
even vermin know when it is time to git!
This crippled ship of state threatens to
beach for good any day now.

While this may give cheer to the opposition,
one serious question looms...
How to rescue the rest of us?
What to replace it with?
Ships and states are not built in a day!

The deeper in the hole we get,
the further it is to climb out again.
Will we ever see daylight,
or just the glaring lamp of that
oncoming locomotive called economic disaster?

Even though I don't really believe in a deity,
times like this threaten to drive me to my
knees in supplication to something, anything
that can rescue the USA from this colossal mess.

Here is really hoping that tomorrow is a slightly better day.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sun sinking lower

That bright orb rests lower,
scrapes the southern horizon.
Usual snow is absent this time,
landscape mosaics umber and sienna.

Slight south wind balms easy this year,
streets stay clear of icy obstructions.
We can all go out and shop like crazy,
or rest at home and let that pass us by.

Winter 2018 is another patchwork,
downs and ups and extremes all over.
weather imitating the stock markets,
Not sure what will happen in either case!

Hopefully we can survive and learn from our mistakes,
celebrate another holiday, watch for inevitable snowflakes.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Want to attempt the impossible?
Just try and write poetry nowadays.
Shut off your streaming TV, hide the phone,
unplug your modem, make yourself alone.

Thus cut off from media oceans,
you can begin to create,
your page a blank slate.
Dredge up the lurking emotions...

How it felt to see the Trek family again,
the warm greetings and conversations,
Delicious treats and tasty anecdotes.
Can such things be put into words?

You can try to tame the desktop beast,
despite tempting links flashing before
your dazzled eyes, or glowing photos
tugging your attention in different directions.

I can still remember those summertime
Carnival barkers of old, yelling at you
with a hundred voices, “Hey buddy, hey pal,
come on over, try this, try that – only 50 cents!”
Now your computer or phone does it all the time.

The quiet, small stage of black and white,
marks and meanings parade across a page,
impart mental images and arrange concepts.
An escape from incessant blitz is delightful;
Hope you can enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Jefferson Iowa joins the Glittering Digerati

If Gretchen F. could visit her hometown today,
She might jump in the air and shout “Hooray!”
For humble Jefferson is getting a high-tech academy,
Silicon Valley execs investing a lot of their money.

“Let's keep the young folks at home,” is the refrain.
Bring a software company to town, to train
our collegiate crowd to create, craft and code
an exciting future for one central Iowa locale.

Congrats to Jefferson!

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...