Sunday, December 29, 2019

Another decade done

2010-2019 slid by pretty fast.
didn’t seem that way when it was going,
all those natural disasters,
air crashes,
terrorist bombings,
school shootings.

But time does eventually pass,
no matter what we do or don’t do.
We humans keep doing silly things,
normal things, and occasionally great things.
Then one day another decade passes.
“Oh! Where did that time all go?”

From 1960 to 1980 there were tremendous changes,
Cars got smarter and more compact,
Interstate highways built, Space explored,
the Moon landed on and mapped out.

From 1980 to 2000 change accelerated.
Personal computers and the Internet exploded.
Cars got still smarter, lighter, more entertaining
with all the gadgets loaded in them.

From 2000 to 2020, more rapid change.
A space station completed and occupied,
Regular cellphones became smartphones,
and we now have a world of knowledge
at our disposal. That includes porn, of course.

What changes will come about in the next 20,
it is hard to predict. Augmented reality,
and advertisements beamed right into our eyes.
Space exploration further out, people landing on Mars.
(This old guy is hoping for better medical tech too.)

Lots of changes, some not so good for the Earth,
like global climate change. We’ll have to deal
with some of our past blunders, even as we
try to expand the human presence out into
the Solar System. Should be interesting.
Hope to see you there when the calendar
rolls over to 2030, and we can marvel at another decade done.

Monday, December 09, 2019

A Banker's Memorial

He was a local banker’s banker,
a regular cash counter and bagger.
Numbers were his biggest fame,
other peoples money his game.

He started out clerking in 1922,
moved up the ladder real smooth.
Got hired away by a crosstown rival,
and his path was set, the president’s
fixer and right-hand man – in 1933.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters,
dollars and fives and tens and twenties.
Tinkle, Ching, Clatter and Shuffle -
the currency of commerce his currency of life.

He was born to it, a natural talent;
Just had to be good at numbers and math.
After 14 years he became a bank president,
and rode a rising economy to a pinnacle of
wealth and community esteem.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters;
ones, fives, tens and twenties.
All counted and sorted in correct order,
his family lofted to higher living quarters.

A dynamo of commerce,
a dancer in capitalism’s arms;
he gave so much to all his offspring,
bestowed money along with his charms.

(We will never forget our
loving, generous, brilliant, tender, stellar grandfather:
Lewis B. Wilson - 1899-2001)

Friday, December 06, 2019

Seasonal Spirit Dreams

Robots, LOL toys, plushies galore,
chromebooks, Ipads, Sandisks and more.
Food sets, drink sets, hot sauces to suit,
utensils to cook with, cutter for a cheroot.

20, 30, 50 percent off and more,
just for today, so rush out the door.
Lights and trees and decorations too,
on special this week, the mall is a zoo!

Start out early, the traffic is busy;
Get in-store early, folks in a tizzy.
Checkout lines are going to be long,
Bring endurance and hope you weren’t wrong.

Or better yet get away from it all,
somewhere pleasant with no malls.
If you can do this and bring some friends,
you are truly lucky, no regrets or amends.

However you celebrate the darkest of days
and return of light, enjoy it in your own ways.

To all a joyous solstice and a warm pleasant night,
tucked safely asleep, after celebrations and delight.

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Say Hello to Artie

I’ll fill in your blanks, take care of your sins.
Drive your SUV, track your gaming wins.
Will clean your carpets, and mow your lawns.
Monitor your perimeter from dusk until dawn.

I’m here to perform all your menial tasks,
plan your menus and fill your glasses.
Locate the best online website to use,
sign up for hot dates, find one to peruse.

The age of Artificial Intelligence is here,
in some ways smart, but you need not fear:
IT” can do single tasks well, that is clear,
but not feel, plan or love, or know what is dear.

Some workers will have to find new occupations,
Yet society will be freed from common frustrations.
Already my email spells and greets friends for me;
When IT composes my holiday greetings, then I'll feel glee.

(First published in the 2019 edition of Lyrical Iowa)

Last Wednesdays muse

Wednesday night, and it is all quiet.
Feels like a miracle.
No derogatory remarks,
no accusatory comments,
no mean-spirited judgments.

Just the sounds of trains going by,
the sounds of a modern industrial city.
No meanness or accusations there,
unless my mind puts them there.
Counting blessings in my chair.
Don’t even have to comb hair.
Soon for bed I’ll prepare.
Not that anyone cares.
No harsh stares,
Streetlight glares.

Wednesday night, hump night.
Work will be winding down soon,
another weekend – already!
More wine, wishes and song.

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...