Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Nine inches, ready or not


“It’s not February yet!”

first thought that came to mind,

along with “Tournaments are months away!”

Nevertheless, central Iowa got socked in

with 9.6 inches of fresh, unwelcome snow.

“Should be able to go to work,”

was the second genius idea I had.

After all, I shoveled two hours earlier,

at 1:30 PM last Tuesday afternoon.

By 4:30 there were five more inches

on the driveway, car, and street too.

“Hmm, may be time to text the boss,”

the third, and truest, impression formed.

She was sympathetic, and even offered

to give me a ride into work.

Silly me, I walked through three blocks

of the white sh*t, even slipping and falling,

before meeting up with her at the arranged spot.

Fortunately, the night passed reasonably well,

and with no parking in sight, a ride turned out

to be the best choice one could make.

When I disembarked from my boss’s 4 X 4,

clambered over snowbanks to get to my jobsite,

the last, most unerringly accurate thought of all:

“Next time I’m gonna call in sick, dammit!”

But I’ll see just how accurate when “next time” indeed rolls around.

We know that minds, like the weather, are subject to frequent change.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

The meme that conquered the galaxy


Lots of memes come down the aisle,

all crowing with clever words and photos.

Drunken lady pointing at white cat,

lecturing some finer point, getting

stuck by the kitty with salacious smile.

Movie stars grin or leer or smirk,

point or pose or strut and impart

clever truisms or false-isms.

They jostle and posture and posit superiority.

Too bad they have all been defeated,

wiped out before they had a chance,

beaten right out of the gate...

One overwhelming Super-meme came before all.

Star Trek and the starship Enterprise!

Anyone alive not know the Enterprise?

Any person on Earth never heard of such a

fine ship that various captains profess “her”

as their first and/or only love?

How many iterations, versions of a starship,

from Warp 5 to warp umpty-whatever,

have graced television screens and computer monitors?

How many games, contests, books, even action figures?

Star Trek may be a long-running theme,

but the Enterprise is an infectious meme,

her warp engines thrumming our brains

like a flamenco guitarist evoking flames.

Sorry, wannabe brain candies;

The Enterprise got there first,

and is still resident,

will never leave us,

ever, ever, it seems.

“Aye, laddies, and time for a wee

bit o brandy” and reflecting on

past times with the Enterprise kicking ass,

all over the galaxy – and beyond.

Sleep well, space cowboys – and everyone else.

(Merry Christmas too.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

To my poet friends


To try and scrape up some rudiments of verse,

from my tired brain some lyrics to rehearse.

A chore at times on par with unplugging the toilet,

Some distraction yanks attention, surely spoils it.

But then I check my mailbox, and a light emerges,

cards from the Alpha contingent that I can submerge

in, creativity be reignited, my keyboard get warmed

once again, fingers trying to capture new ideas born.

This holiday season I am so grateful for those

faithful folks who inspire with poetry and prose;

you inject love into my dreary winter picture,

infuse black and white with color-hued tincture.

To one and all I bid you Happy Holiday wishes.

Merry joyous celebrations and many tasty dishes.

Enjoy everyone!

A good visual metaphor for my poet and writer friends.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Current Events


Georgia runoff election – Will McConnell be defeated?

Covid-19 deaths continue to rise.

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are being distributed,

Healthcare workers are getting inoculated.

Still many new cases of Covid pop up every day.

Major hacking attack occurred on US government servers,

those pesky Russians are at it again – or is it the Chinese?

A stimulus bill is grinding its way to completion,

congress-people haggling over final details.

Many entertainment venues are going broke,

throwing more and more people out of work.

Will the current situation be another great depression?

Just reading the news gives one a bad case of depression.

March has become December, and we now have vaccines,
but how many have died in the meantime?

Every day spent alive and healthy is a thing to celebrate,

even if we have to do it at home,

separated from everyone by six feet,

preferably wearing a mask.

SpaceX has lofted another satellite into orbit,

and landed another booster back on the pad.

25 this year, I think – another record.

Blue Origin and many other companies are

working and making prototypes of our future in space.

Will they find a cure for something out there,

or perhaps just more superbugs to tangle with.

Lunar and Martian soil could be full of surprises!

Religion is the answer for some,

science and technology a solution for others.

Whatever god or machine you believe in,

they/he/it/ have a lot of work ahead,

saving the human race,

or eliminating us if that is in the cards.

If only the Ancient Aliens or modern Extraterrestrials

would tell us what is going to happen,

or what we should do about anything.

So far they are not talking –

at least, not talking to me.


:-0 :-0 :-)

Live Long and Prosper, my friends.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Snow Deed Clears up Outlook


Sarcastic comments ring in the ears,

uncertain unsettlement circulates.

Time to go get a needed task done,

and I open the door, and presto!

Someone cleared my driveway of snow.

Then they shoveled a path to my door,

and around the front of the house.

Angry vitriol floods the Facebook page,

experts commenting, what can I add?

Better not say anything, show my ignorance.

It is all so maddening at times…

Then I open my door,

and the driveway has been cleared,

the walkway too.

Just purchased a car, and

naturally, something goes wrong.

Run thru options mentally,

cost analysis follows close behind.

Just one more P I T A to deal with.

Well, time to go shovel…

I open the door, and look, someone did already,

the whole driveway, and around to my door.

Midway through a round of antibiotics,

surely feeling better by now – I think?

But my nose runs, my head throbs,

I cough up some stuff, and wonder,

will this really do the trick?

Visions of more doctor visits cloud my outlook;

Okay time to get something done.

I open the door, shovel in hand, and…

someone had plowed my driveway,

cleared a path all the way to my door.

Thanks go out to that special someone,

for not having me give up on humanity.

For all of the anxiety and upsets,

the anger and guilt and blame and doubt,

such a kind deed clears away

that sheer veil of anguish,

wraps me in relieved hope.

Today might just be one damned good day.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Signs and Tags


A younger person, say 20 - ish,

drives down Interstate 80...

Exit signs pass by: Stuart, Redfield, Dexter, DeSoto.

Most all meaningless, just another town on the way

to where we are going

to see family or friends,

to buy a car or antique,

maybe see some park,

ride on a new bike trail.

Add a few decades and stir:

Then exit signs become memory tags.

De Soto was that trailer you bought and lived in,

Redfield the park, the party,

the bad ending as well.

In Dexter you stopped for a soda,

and met someone special.

Casey, for gas, at guess where?

The smiley face in Adair was lost on you,

after the flat tire disaster there!

Blank slate now filled with

mnemonic tags and blinkers.

Who says older drivers are not

well informed?

Memories leak out of our ears.

As we drive down the highway of years.

images of past life modes shift

through our minds like changing gears.

But now we are somewhere else,

not dead yet,

still out there,

and still here.



Friday, November 27, 2020

85 % probability likely to change tomorrow


When I was much younger, life was

displayed in black and white.

Now, there is naught but a sea of gray.

Evil was evil and good was good.

Now everything depends on the situation,

people involved, emotions, circumstances.

I miss the days when things or people

were so easily judged, thumbs up or down.

But even then, there were warning signs.

Older adults asking probing questions.

“How do you know he is guilty, she did it?”

“How can you be sure they didn’t mean well?”

Life seems a soup of indefinites,

no certainties left,

No mighty over-lord

with all the answers...

Nothing but shades of gray delimiter,

maybe a glimmer of hope on occasion.

Friends were counted as friends back then,

now there are many shades of kinship.

Some can be trusted completely, others not too much;

Relationships carry as much pain as pleasure.

Sometimes we seek out the more painful,

for that rare, elusive reward we might get.

Simplicity can be so appealing,

yet in the end is unrewarding;

Like the teaspoon of sugar in coffee or tea,

a temporary rush, before the letdown of reality.

Superman, James Bond or even Mannix

could twiddle a finger,

sip a beverage,

shake the hair and

go defeat one or several villains,

save the world again and again.

We are doing good just to save ourselves.

Still, it is fun to watch our hero-gods on TV

and forget our slog through indefinite mud-bogs.

Something to pass the time, refresh our spirits,

before we dive back in,

put shoulder to wheel,

thrust our stubborn wills into an

obdurate future,

with no guarantee of anything.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

No Miracle


Got a problem or health issue,

some ailment that will not abate?

Plenty of cures are available.

Quackery or capability – you decide.

Real human breast milk is for sale,

plenty for you to bulk up or cure cancer.

Just look on the Internet,

keep that checkbook handy.

Those chronic pains can be calmed

by bee stings applied in the right region.

Arthritis or Lyme disease?

Sting it away, just a few each day.

Mental issues troubling you?

Just fly to Peru and indulge

in Ayahuasca therapy.

You can hallucinate and purge

your problems away,

come back renewed, reborn –

if you live through the ceremony.

Tantric Yoga,

homeopathic therapy,

multi-level nutritional potions,



grass, weeds, dirt,


Maybe the dandelions that

dot my backyard can make some dandy cure?

Anything is possible.

Be careful out there,

eat three square meals a day,

fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meat.

Balance, moderation, exercise…

My advice.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Welcome to the Night


Now enter a world out of time,

off-kilter from normal time.

A world of late-night cruising,

habits of all kinds occupy us...

vacant streets and distant streetlights -

they sometimes shine bright,

other times off and pooling darkness.


A different world,

remarkably quiet,

normally in bed,

in a place of dreams.

Homeless venture out,

some head back to shelter.

Last call for alcohol,

fatigue pull of booze

tugs one out the bar door,

“dare I drive or call Uber?

Can I dial the phone? “

The night people are here,

cops, cab drivers, cleaners.

We see you sometimes,

when we are paying attention.

Sometimes you see us,

going about our quiet business.

We also long for the bed and rest,

just staggered later, not depressed.

When you get up we sleep in,

when you go to bed,

we shift into high gear.

See you again tomorrow night;

we may brush past each other along

our ways, intent on making our means.

Best of luck to you too, co-inhabitors.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Reaching for Godhood


In Egypt they excavate a site called Saqqara,

hot, dusty area with masses of diggers and workers.

They unearth small figurines, clues, gradually…

Cat statues tell them that more treasures await.

Soon an entire new tomb is discovered, sees the first light

in 2,500 years. Back when humans erected stepped hills,

reached up to the gods, fingers stretched to heaven’s firmament.

Some Pharaoh wanted to take a stroll among the divine,

converse and commune about mighty and trivial things.

A couple thousand years later, we still reach!

Send up silver fingers that erupt fire behind.

We loft Osiris-Rex, New Horizons, Juno probes,

to other moons, worlds, asteroids and comets.

Perhaps still seeking some gods, to converse and parley?

Human nature seems to change little,

we thirst to find those who came before,

those who were way more advanced,

those who might have had all the answers we seek.

We sure put on one amazing show in our effort

to commune with the mighty ones, or become them ourselves.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Forest Majesties


There is no more regal sight than deciduous trees,

towering and glowering, making sunlight dim;

They seem to scoff at we minute human beings,

underneath their high boughs and massive limbs.

Their distant relatives ruled the forests when ours

crawled on the ground and hid under leaves.

Now they face dwindling numbers and more fires,

since some humans are harvesting them beyond belief.

Regal and majestic, royal descendants of past life,

they could all be toppled at last by us human upstarts.

Yet their doom is not for certain, for them some do fight,

Their numbers may yet rise, after enough people “get smart.”

All life on this Earth is in some way interlinked,

Time to stop doing damage, get our methods in synch.

We can do it if we all try, and nations all work together,

Otherwise we will lose arable land, and our drinking water.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Limericks for Lucille


To set up a trade post on the Moon,

a thing not oft thought of in June,

April, May, September or November,

Nor any month that I can remember;

dare suggest it and be considered a loon?

But whomever starts up a thriving spot

On old man Moon’s big ugly snot,

Will corner the market in provisions,

and soothe those national divisions.

The Space Force won’t have to fire a shot!

Being funny when you have a cold

something not easy when feeling old;

One gets owly and cranky,

Not even remotely funny,

Even the cat gets an angry scold.

Sunlit leaves, Mother Nature’s bright colors,

a last sensory banquet presages winter horrors,

yet happy memories and bright hopes will both

carry us forward to next spring’s fresh growth,

just a quick flash-thru until next summer’s flowers.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Evolving Genderality

 (first published in the 2020 edition of Lyrical Iowa)

It used to be a he was just a him,

a she a her, soon wedded to some Jim.

A boy was a boy, a girl was a girl,

no variations were permitted to unfurl.

But that was in a century long past,

the world today has changed, “gasp!”

Now we are inclusive of all kind of variables,

even acknowledge and welcome transsexuals.

The human race evolves over time,

our social landscape crosses new lines.

We learn from our mistakes and take new paths,

welcoming to every variant of person, at last.

This seems good to one who straddles two centuries;

cruelty and exclusion serve no purpose to humanity.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

When the Circus Comes to Town


    When the circus comes to town, it can be an amazing event. You are dazzled by stunts and tricks, amazed at all of the exotic animals, amused by the juggling clowns. You might eat your fill of sugary snacks for more fast, momentary jolts of pleasure. Perhaps a whole evening, or even weekend, is filled with amazement and delight with the fun show of shows.

    But all the big-top shows must come to an end, sooner or later. One must go back to the real world, and cope with common, everyday problems. Reality is nowhere near as exciting as a big bright circus, but is very important nevertheless. Those wheels of modern civilization do not run themselves, even if it seems like they do.

    So at some point all of the glitz, the subterfuge, the flashy facades have to move on. The litter of lies and failed promises must be swept up and disposed of, the pathways of politics and commerce cleaned off so that regular life can go on.

    Are you tired of the clown show yet? Be sure to vote!

Monday, October 05, 2020

Biosphere, new and improved


    It was time to go visit my favorite creek again tonight. The sun was setting, illuminating the multicolored grasses beautifully. The wind had died down, and the air was tranquil. I walked along the sandy area next to burbling water, and enjoyed taking it all in. The water, the sand, the grassy banks and low trees all displayed a certain symmetry – Nature’s order. It made me think of David Attenborough and his nature specials, and that led me to think of his most recent one on Netflix. To have lived a life like his would be wonderful indeed. This made me think of the possibility of repairing ecosystems.

    I recently watched two different documentaries on Netflix, both showing how it is possible to reverse CO2 damage, and to actually take CO2 out of the atmosphere, and “Fix” our climate and clean up the atmosphere, reducing global warming.

    Earlier specials had sounded dire warnings about the state of the global ecosystem. So now, the prevailing viewpoint has shifted to "we can fix things," apparently. Now we just have to get farmers to change how they farm (No-till please), to stop all deforestation around the world (how?), to plant millions of new trees, and re-establish vast grasslands. Simple, right? Simple in theory. Not so much in reality.

    But I can see some changes already being undertaken on the local level. Tree-planting programs. Electrification of mass transit. Wind turbines sprouting up like weeds all over the Iowa countryside. Those in charge are undertaking climate “restoration” whether we want them to or not. It seems like a great idea, a win-win. But there will be some short-term pains.

    Recycling is a pain. Cutting back on energy use is a pain. Giving up plastic bottles and straws is a pain. Change hurts. We just have to hope that, in the long run, it is worth it. A burbling creek and shimmering grasses tell me that, even in the middle of a metro area, miraculous things are possible.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

North wind's a-blowing


Picture a cloud with face blowing cold air,

repeatedly, just pushing more misery our way.

Some weather-casters use that symbol to show

us what is in store a day or a week ahead.

I visualize a figure on the same map,

an angry man with folded arms and scowl,

or angry person flipping the bird at the blow-cloud.

Then I flip off the TV set and curse winter – again.

Seasons’ change is inevitable,

no amount of griping or cussing stops it.

May as well accept what we cannot change,

but it sure feels good to vent some angst first.

Hang in there, folks, it will warm up again

next week, and hey: Sure beats a forest fire!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I am, therefore I exist


    You start your education in Kindergarten, or in some cases, ‘Head Start’ even before that. You progress through the grades, learning to write, read, do math problems. You learn how to do science experiments, and study social sciences, history, biology. Then you learn more advanced English, grammar and literature. At some point you graduate from high school. Assuming you go on to college, you encounter ever-more-advanced coursework. Maybe you are pursuing a finance or science degree, and encounter a lot of high-level mathematics, calculus, etc. Maybe you take actuarial science, maybe pursue law or medicine. Then, one amazing day, you graduate from college. Holding a degree in hand, the world seems like it is yours.

    Then you start encountering suppression of your intellect. You see political ads that skew the facts one way or the other. You see all kinds of advertisements making all kinds of exaggerated claims. Of course, you know to watch out for these, because you’ve seen ads of one kind or another all your life. Still, you are now a young adult, out in the world, with a real job, probably professional of some kind. You get a decent paycheck, maybe get yourself a new car. You are somebody, a Mr or Mrs “new consumer.”

    You work side by side with people who may utter colloquialisms, or be slanted to one political persuasion or another. And if you want to get along in the workplace, you have to bite your tongue and not disagree too much, that is, if you want to get ahead. So inside you know what you know, but outside, you are being ‘suppressed’ to some degree, out of necessity. (Unless you want to turn every idle conversation into a debate.)

    You may take a partner. After the initial glow wears off, if you get married or live together, you must learn the art of compromise, and sometimes saying what you may not feel, but will make them happy (then they will make you happy in some other way.) Suppression, of a sort. Still, one can live with that – so many do, and thrive, after all.

    So, by the time one hits the upper ages, this fine school education has been exploited, teased, tampered with, swayed this way and that. It can be hard to know what one really believes. If you are religious, you can just leave it all to God, and let it go at that. So any learned method for rational, logical evidence-based decision-making is thrown out the window: All one needs to do is pray. I’m not going to tell anyone not to – if that is what you want to do, go for it. 

    So many of us have been given a first-class education, then been swallowed up by a huge commercial ocean of illogical, emotional, forever-a-teenager thoughts and memes. We are force-fed these from every kind of media outlet there is. The stronger among us can withstand it, can walk away, shut it off, and keep their thinking clear, rational, steady. But many others cannot withstand the constant barrage of imbecilic noise. It gets to you, and changes you, one way or another.

    If one does some book reading, meditation and limits media accesses, one can withstand the garbage barrage a lot better. But it is easy to see why our society is such a tsunami of chaotic confusion nowadays. It is difficult to be rational in such an irrational, insane world. But it is still a worthy struggle nevertheless. Good luck out there.

Friday, September 25, 2020

The stinking masks


Time to go out again, where is that mask?

These things are sure a pain in the ass!

But they are needed to stop spread of germs,

even if you tend to breathe in little cotton worms.

What a long, miserable year this has been,

adrift in a sea of riots, disease and discontent;

our country lurching around like the Mary Celeste,

full of ghosts – drifting, directionless, depressed.

One keeps looking for a pinhole of light at wit’s end,

a heap of jumbled policies, they keep trying to defend;

Was it really this bad way back in the Ninteen-twenties?

There were lots more dead bodies, no fodder for the funnies.

Someday, somehow we have got to see this through,

we have before overcome natures tricks so cruel.

When that day comes and we declare a victory,

the celebrations will surely go down in history.

So please keep those odious masks on, everyone;

Someday this will be won, and we’ll burn ‘em for fun.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Insanity Every Day


    How can we right ourselves from this Insanity Every Day?

    We have a mad president who keeps picking fights with China, Europe, Iran, etc. He goes through aides like crazy, and ignores any rational advice. His sanity is really in question. Our country has had over 200,000 deaths from Covid-19, and climbing. The CDC keeps changing its guidelines, and seems in turmoil. Every time someone official makes a statement to the press, it just seems like more meaningless double-talk, pablum to make us feel good, since no one really seems to know what is going on, or how to fix it. Faith in government is sinking to a new low. Seems like we’re just going to have to die our way through this pandemic, the way we are going. Masks or no masks, the cases keep increasing.

    One solution might be to attempt some kind of bipartisan approach. But people just can’t agree on anything anymore. Our congress is always at odds. The Republicans see nothing at all wrong in blocking a democratic nominee to the supreme court for over a year, until an election, and yet forcing their own nominee to be submitted a week after a vacancy opens up. And people are supposed to buy the legitimacy and validity of this “representative” form of government?

    Everything that is done merely supports the position of one party or the other. Despite the existence of other parties, this is a two-party form of government, no way around it. And it seems mostly dysfunctional. It is easy to see why dictatorships form. People want action, accomplishment, even if it is destructive accomplishment.

    Right now we are in a limbo formed by constant fighting and bickering back and forth. The only thing that seems to unite US citizens is war – maybe that is why Trump is trying so hard to start one with China. But war is often the worst solution to things, not the best. And the Chinese will not be the pushovers that the Iraqis were. We are bound to take some losses.

    No answers here, only questions. Like how and why does this world just seem to get more and more screwed up every day? Maybe humanity doesn’t deserve to live and occupy this sick Earth. But we are too stubborn to die, so we will keep on, and even infect other worlds with our special brand of craziness. Should be quite a show.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Late Summer Walk


South wind swirls around the tall trees,

lake water glints sunlight in every direction;

People flock to the windswept trails,

eager to get in that last run/skate/stroll/jog.

Parking places disappear amid heavy traffic,

pedestrians are everywhere you look.

Just getting in and out is quite a driving feat,

No need for accidents on such a beautiful Sunday…

Grey’s Lake, Water Works park and surrounding areas

all have been rejuvenated and made quite sparkling;

The city is really showing some splendor and appeal.

Nothing like years ago when it was a barren ruined area.

 So nice to have endured past hardships and survived,

one can take in all the improvements and feel gratified!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Last Weekend


The City

is quiet this morning, taking a pause.

Usual impatience, hurried clamor,

racing cars, squealing tires, near misses

all fade into a foggy September Saturday.

One can take in some air and relax the grip,

rest at home in relative safety for a time.

Work is now yesterday’s memory,

no sight yet of Sunday night’s

anxieties that loom ahead...

Tonight we eat, drink and party,

some going on the hunt for another,

more elusive game than any paycheck.

Would that one could retire and every day

be Saturday, filled with the same delights.

But the reality is not yet, not nearly so...

So tonight I relax, and the city sighs,

resting too, except maybe the nightclub section.

A nearby rail yard lets out a rumble, seemingly saying,

“Don’t get too comfy; Monday is only two days away!”

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Drought No More


Dry grass punctuated with long cracks,

withered snapdragons struggle to bloom;

Hibiscus barely withstands beetle attacks,

Thirsty Cannas with curled leaves still bloom.

This drought has gone on for long enough,

even the weeds are beginning to droop.

Normally tough when conditions get rough,

the raspberries and day-lillies look like poop.

Our nearby river was swollen for years,

even last spring swamped over its banks;

Now it is a trickle, stoking drought fears,

Beachcombers have mother nature to thank.

Until this week when a big system sweeps in,

many inches of rain will water parched lawns.

The river will fill and swell once again,

Fish and feeders given new room to roam.

Never underestimate the chance of sudden change,

Nature keeps us off balance, acting mighty strange.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Some Musings on Energy


Energy is the inherent capacity to do work;

it is stored and used in a variety of forms,

assortment of values not any quirk,

Joules, Watts, Volts, Amperes will perform.

Much energy is expended at work by

service employees doing their jobs;

calories converted by the cleaning guy,

serving, constructing or teasing out a bob.

Crystals are minerals that resonate,

apply a current and they vibrate.

They keep time and help coordinate,

improved electronics we appreciate.

 Crystal atomic symmetry reflects

four fundamental forces that occupy

our universe – electrons genuflect

as nucleic forces tug and amplify.

 Everything is connected to everything else,

squeeze a crystal and out comes a current,

shock a crystal and presto, it shakes itself;

One force brings the other, the same in reverse.

 In the many Star Trek shows and movies,

they control vast forces with casual ease;

Beaming around, Kirk finds women easy to please;

Warp Drive moves the Enterprise instantaneously.

And that blinded us to the reality that actual

space exploration is quite tough on humans...

Hard on bodies and minds, if one is factual;

it takes a lot of money to execute space plans.

The secret is in energy, power, motive force,

things that glow, burn and scatter obstacles like ashes.

Better materials to contain it, more power to make it,

greater understanding to know what it even is. Or is not.

We first made artificial diamonds in an anvil of

heat and pressure, finally, after 100 years of trying.

Now we are trying to fuse hydrogen into helium atoms,

and get free energy, like we got free diamonds in the 1950s.

Can we tease out a new force and utilize, modify, control it?

(That “free” gets more and more costly with every iteration.)

We have learned about the quarks that comprise neutrons

and protons inside an atom: how to smash and separate them,

observe and measure them and their energy outputs. Thus

gradually accumulating knowledge that can jolt our history.

Meanwhile we drive around in horseless carriages,

propelled by internal explosions driving pistons,

gears, shafts and wheels. They spit out a lot of pollution;

When Musk dangled Tesla’s in front of us, we couldn’t resist.

He wasn’t the first, of course, not by a century or so.

But Tesla made electric cars sexy, powerful and long-lasting.

And look at us electrify our fleets now – wow.

Why should we have to crack dinosaur goop, when all we need do

is generate streams of electrons in any number of ways instead?

Energy surrounds us and suffuses us.

Radio waves permeate our walls and our beings

to link our phones, inform and entertain us.

Our brains are the most powerful bio-computers known.

We are energy manifested as physical matter. But

in the end matter and energy are linked together tight.

It just doesn’t seem that way to our animal senses.

Just as we once sailed on ships in uncertain seas,

or drove ICE vehicles on bumpy, wavy roads, so

in the future we will float on waves of pure energy.

Pure to our present way of seeing things, perhaps

bumpy with particles not quite microscopic enough.

Even now we peer into distant galactic pasts with

telescopes that gather ancient light photons, and

register differences, anomalies, similarities, color shifts.

Larger and larger mirrors peer back billions of years,

revealing birth chambers of galaxies, of our universe.

When humans finally evolve into something more,

as we have slowly been doing over the centuries,

perhaps we will acquire a more direct method of

touching and manipulating energies both small and large.

Until that day comes, we are left with using our five

digits, opposable thumbs and all, to build solutions.

Wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal pumps,

even biomass and hydroelectric stations.

We just gotta have that juice to keep everything running:

Any given tornado, hurricane or Derecho reminds us,

with every downed power line and darkened home.

More and more, energy rules our lives.

No longer indirectly, physically, but now

more directly – through power to drive our

computers, cars, homes, and cell phones.

Just wondering when the day will come,

when we humans can “uplift” and become direct

energy beings, just flitting about without any

artificial aids or assistances.

I’m sure that we will still find something to complain about.

In the meantime, my atoms say “Namaste” to your atoms -

peace always.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Can we survive all of this


     It was so good to get the electricity back, after the recent Derecho storm blew through Iowa. The 130-MPH winds flattened crops, damaged trees and houses, and disrupted life in general, especially in Eastern Iowa. And this happened in the middle of a worldwide Pandemic, not too long after massive protest marches and rioting. Political upheaval continues, with corruption scandals at the top. Our economy is teetering along, trying to keep on in the midst of employment swings and mass closings. I think back to previous bad times in our country and the world, and figure this time ranks right up there. Some of our technology is as advanced as it ever has been, but people are still suffering with sickness, or unemployment, or other misfortunes.

     Parents in the future will probably be telling their kids about the awful year of 2020. I look forward to that time, because it means this crazy, terrible year is over with. What a year! Here is hoping that we can get back to some semblance of sanity in the years ahead. The present political struggles, along with the summer’s protest waves, remind me that a democracy is never static, or set in stone. Rather, we are always in a state of struggle between opposing forces. We are always in flux. And thus there exists always a certain anxiety, unless I am sensible enough to turn off or ignore the news. Sure, one should participate and not bury their head in the sand. But there is only so much anxiety one can stand. Will sure be glad to get election year behind us. Hang in there, everyone – it is one mad, mad, insane world.

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...