Thursday, August 27, 2020

Some Musings on Energy


Energy is the inherent capacity to do work;

it is stored and used in a variety of forms,

assortment of values not any quirk,

Joules, Watts, Volts, Amperes will perform.

Much energy is expended at work by

service employees doing their jobs;

calories converted by the cleaning guy,

serving, constructing or teasing out a bob.

Crystals are minerals that resonate,

apply a current and they vibrate.

They keep time and help coordinate,

improved electronics we appreciate.

 Crystal atomic symmetry reflects

four fundamental forces that occupy

our universe – electrons genuflect

as nucleic forces tug and amplify.

 Everything is connected to everything else,

squeeze a crystal and out comes a current,

shock a crystal and presto, it shakes itself;

One force brings the other, the same in reverse.

 In the many Star Trek shows and movies,

they control vast forces with casual ease;

Beaming around, Kirk finds women easy to please;

Warp Drive moves the Enterprise instantaneously.

And that blinded us to the reality that actual

space exploration is quite tough on humans...

Hard on bodies and minds, if one is factual;

it takes a lot of money to execute space plans.

The secret is in energy, power, motive force,

things that glow, burn and scatter obstacles like ashes.

Better materials to contain it, more power to make it,

greater understanding to know what it even is. Or is not.

We first made artificial diamonds in an anvil of

heat and pressure, finally, after 100 years of trying.

Now we are trying to fuse hydrogen into helium atoms,

and get free energy, like we got free diamonds in the 1950s.

Can we tease out a new force and utilize, modify, control it?

(That “free” gets more and more costly with every iteration.)

We have learned about the quarks that comprise neutrons

and protons inside an atom: how to smash and separate them,

observe and measure them and their energy outputs. Thus

gradually accumulating knowledge that can jolt our history.

Meanwhile we drive around in horseless carriages,

propelled by internal explosions driving pistons,

gears, shafts and wheels. They spit out a lot of pollution;

When Musk dangled Tesla’s in front of us, we couldn’t resist.

He wasn’t the first, of course, not by a century or so.

But Tesla made electric cars sexy, powerful and long-lasting.

And look at us electrify our fleets now – wow.

Why should we have to crack dinosaur goop, when all we need do

is generate streams of electrons in any number of ways instead?

Energy surrounds us and suffuses us.

Radio waves permeate our walls and our beings

to link our phones, inform and entertain us.

Our brains are the most powerful bio-computers known.

We are energy manifested as physical matter. But

in the end matter and energy are linked together tight.

It just doesn’t seem that way to our animal senses.

Just as we once sailed on ships in uncertain seas,

or drove ICE vehicles on bumpy, wavy roads, so

in the future we will float on waves of pure energy.

Pure to our present way of seeing things, perhaps

bumpy with particles not quite microscopic enough.

Even now we peer into distant galactic pasts with

telescopes that gather ancient light photons, and

register differences, anomalies, similarities, color shifts.

Larger and larger mirrors peer back billions of years,

revealing birth chambers of galaxies, of our universe.

When humans finally evolve into something more,

as we have slowly been doing over the centuries,

perhaps we will acquire a more direct method of

touching and manipulating energies both small and large.

Until that day comes, we are left with using our five

digits, opposable thumbs and all, to build solutions.

Wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal pumps,

even biomass and hydroelectric stations.

We just gotta have that juice to keep everything running:

Any given tornado, hurricane or Derecho reminds us,

with every downed power line and darkened home.

More and more, energy rules our lives.

No longer indirectly, physically, but now

more directly – through power to drive our

computers, cars, homes, and cell phones.

Just wondering when the day will come,

when we humans can “uplift” and become direct

energy beings, just flitting about without any

artificial aids or assistances.

I’m sure that we will still find something to complain about.

In the meantime, my atoms say “Namaste” to your atoms -

peace always.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Can we survive all of this


     It was so good to get the electricity back, after the recent Derecho storm blew through Iowa. The 130-MPH winds flattened crops, damaged trees and houses, and disrupted life in general, especially in Eastern Iowa. And this happened in the middle of a worldwide Pandemic, not too long after massive protest marches and rioting. Political upheaval continues, with corruption scandals at the top. Our economy is teetering along, trying to keep on in the midst of employment swings and mass closings. I think back to previous bad times in our country and the world, and figure this time ranks right up there. Some of our technology is as advanced as it ever has been, but people are still suffering with sickness, or unemployment, or other misfortunes.

     Parents in the future will probably be telling their kids about the awful year of 2020. I look forward to that time, because it means this crazy, terrible year is over with. What a year! Here is hoping that we can get back to some semblance of sanity in the years ahead. The present political struggles, along with the summer’s protest waves, remind me that a democracy is never static, or set in stone. Rather, we are always in a state of struggle between opposing forces. We are always in flux. And thus there exists always a certain anxiety, unless I am sensible enough to turn off or ignore the news. Sure, one should participate and not bury their head in the sand. But there is only so much anxiety one can stand. Will sure be glad to get election year behind us. Hang in there, everyone – it is one mad, mad, insane world.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

That Pesky Newcomb-Benford Law


One is the digit that opens the door,

If you like it, you can try for more;

Two or three are less important,

but at times still quite significant.

The rest trail along like a tail on the dog,

with poor number nine bringing up the rear;

We wonder why all numbers have a curve,

instead of a flat equality of eleven percent.

Perhaps there is a yet-to be discovered

number method with a line instead of a curve…

Something to keep binary processors busy

for years, decades, or much of eternity...

Mathematics was never my strongest subject,

and that Benford Law just adds to the befuddlement!

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...