You start your education in Kindergarten, or in some cases, ‘Head Start’ even before that. You progress through the grades, learning to write, read, do math problems. You learn how to do science experiments, and study social sciences, history, biology. Then you learn more advanced English, grammar and literature. At some point you graduate from high school. Assuming you go on to college, you encounter ever-more-advanced coursework. Maybe you are pursuing a finance or science degree, and encounter a lot of high-level mathematics, calculus, etc. Maybe you take actuarial science, maybe pursue law or medicine. Then, one amazing day, you graduate from college. Holding a degree in hand, the world seems like it is yours.
Then you start encountering suppression of your intellect. You see political ads that skew the facts one way or the other. You see all kinds of advertisements making all kinds of exaggerated claims. Of course, you know to watch out for these, because you’ve seen ads of one kind or another all your life. Still, you are now a young adult, out in the world, with a real job, probably professional of some kind. You get a decent paycheck, maybe get yourself a new car. You are somebody, a Mr or Mrs “new consumer.”
You work side by side with people who may utter colloquialisms, or be slanted to one political persuasion or another. And if you want to get along in the workplace, you have to bite your tongue and not disagree too much, that is, if you want to get ahead. So inside you know what you know, but outside, you are being ‘suppressed’ to some degree, out of necessity. (Unless you want to turn every idle conversation into a debate.)
You may take a partner. After the initial glow wears off, if you get married or live together, you must learn the art of compromise, and sometimes saying what you may not feel, but will make them happy (then they will make you happy in some other way.) Suppression, of a sort. Still, one can live with that – so many do, and thrive, after all.
So, by the time one hits the upper ages, this fine school education has been exploited, teased, tampered with, swayed this way and that. It can be hard to know what one really believes. If you are religious, you can just leave it all to God, and let it go at that. So any learned method for rational, logical evidence-based decision-making is thrown out the window: All one needs to do is pray. I’m not going to tell anyone not to – if that is what you want to do, go for it.
So many of us have been given a first-class education, then been swallowed up by a huge commercial ocean of illogical, emotional, forever-a-teenager thoughts and memes. We are force-fed these from every kind of media outlet there is. The stronger among us can withstand it, can walk away, shut it off, and keep their thinking clear, rational, steady. But many others cannot withstand the constant barrage of imbecilic noise. It gets to you, and changes you, one way or another.
If one does some book reading, meditation and limits media accesses, one can withstand the garbage barrage a lot better. But it is easy to see why our society is such a tsunami of chaotic confusion nowadays. It is difficult to be rational in such an irrational, insane world. But it is still a worthy struggle nevertheless. Good luck out there.