Oh, the plans that swirl about in one’s mind!
Projects, parties and undertakings aplenty.
Time off is coming and ideas start forming,
but then the outside world stomps on the optimism.
External reality foils best-laid plans and high hopes
with efficient coldness, even in the best of times.
One gets a big project done and feels good inside,
thinking surely a bit of pride at this point is justified...
Cutting under-the-breath comments put the lie to that truth;
The world is not going to let you feel good for one minute!
Budget plans get laid in, then prices go up over night,
don’t forget gas in the car, oh yes, and the price of that jumps too.
Peace is preached from the pulpit, but ignored by politicians
who must punish other nations and fan the flames of war.
Hatreds large and small blossom from nearly every corner.
What god will they invoke while they practice sadistic cruelty
on those they deem “them” or “the other side”, even citizens
of the same country, state or city, or even the same block?
Then there is this Covid plague that never seems to go away,
just takes new, more insidious forms daily.
It will be around forever, apparently.
So how is your scratchy throat doing today?
Hope it is better than mine.