I never imagined it would be like this.
Is that what my parents thought? That the future would be so oddly familiar, and yet so different?
I didn’t see any discontinuous jump. No sudden rocket packs or tourist jaunts to Mars. I just experienced a day-by-day humdrum grind, or the daily push to go make a living, to get the grocery shopping and oil changes and laundry loads done, and done, and done again. Then one day it is 2021, and I’m wondering WTF happened to all of the years. Sure, some of them were spent enjoying myself. And people with kids, families, etc must have really seen time rush by, like a waterfall sped up triple-time.
A recent documentary about the Vogue magazine writer Joan Diedre (sp?) really brought it home in a way. She interviewed or wrote articles on many of the leading luminaries of the 1960s. She and her husband, also a successful writer, had dinner parties with some of the rich and famous. She seemed to live a glamorous life, almost dreamlike. But eventually it was all done, lived, used up.
I count myself as having many blessings, a good childhood, good experiences, lots of things. And yet perhaps I’m a bit unhappy with the fact that ‘where did that time go, and why did it go so fast, and how did I get so much older?’ But hey, I got my turn around the wheel, now it is time for someone else, or elses, to enjoy their turn. I just want a couple or three more decades to write about everything (maybe I’m greedy, but there it is.)
But back to the future. It is never what we expect. I never expected a pandemic. But my father never expected a world war to take a dump on his dreams during his first year in college. Life always has some curve balls to throw at us – never fails. Still, some wonderful things are also occurring. In the medical front, Mrna technologies and the like are being put to use in the battle against Covid-19, and necessity is driving advancement. Cars are being electrified all over the place, potentially reducing pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. Space exploration is plodding forward, and new companies are springing up to meet an increasing demand for satellites of all kinds. The Moon is in play, and a lot of entities are planning trips or bases or something there. As gloomy as things seem at times, wonders are still birthing, amazing new vistas unfolding.
The future is always a mixed bag of tricks and treats. We reach for the treats, and sometimes our hands get bitten by the tricks. Like air travel exploding in the 1930s’ and bringing about the long-range bombers that wreaked havoc in the 1940s. Like rocketry technologies now, and nuclear missiles lurking right around the corner.
Smartwatches, autonomous vehicles, and suborbital airline flights are here or nearby. But we still will need our masks, and still need to go through fine scrutiny by TSA to make sure we don’t blow anything up. The future is not what I expected. But sure is still filled with surprises. I guess that is the best one could hope for. At lest we won’t die of boredom! Stay safe everyone.