Amost like a steel cage slamming down around you,
your activities suddenly restricted to
hobbling around,
bent half over,
a hand holding the back.
How could this happen?
You are not that old!
Then again, over six decades…
It is kind of a long time.
Just one activity,
followed by one restless sleep,
and days, weeks of pain followed.
Something pulled,
something slipped out,
mis-aligned or twisted about.
You stretch this way or that,
up or down,
left or right,
back and forth.
Mild relief for a time,
then the stabbing pain comes back.
What awful thing did you do to deserve this?
Where is a damned exo-skeleton when you need one?
So now those bright activity plans dim,
and the compensation strategies blossom;
So we hobble on into an uncertain future.
Thank goodness for cheap Ibuprofen.