Tuesday, June 22, 2021



Those 1960s icons have just about disappeared,

even those who followed them thin away.

Gamer culture, terabyte touchscreens, and

angry memes now permeate our society.

Change, the malevolent relative that

will not leave us alone, rather goads us on

to greater achievements and scarier heights.

The present just a wisp to be savored before it,

too, evaporates into the realm of memories.

We struggle to make meaning before

meaning (or mincemeat) is made of us –

Is it worth it? Has to be, it better be;

Or the word may get out, that all is lost.

Future spaceships will propel colonists outward,

multitudes of new worlds be discovered and settled;

Restless, boundless humanity will scurry out into

the galaxy, no matter who or what stands in the way.

All the while hoping that ultimately it is worth the effort.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Golden Saliva


Forget your routine shopping data,

never mind your income demographics;

Been denied promotions at work?

Gotten fired, or never even hired?

That stuff is all so last century.

Now the big companies want

your very DNA material –

Your essence, your family tree.

All hoovered up by corporations

both small and large – even by

governments from East to West.

Nothing is off-limits anymore.

Never mind charging for our

personal data analytics – time

for consumers to control our helixes.

And time to charge them a ton

for the right to analyze our latest gob of spit!

Real or Virtual - You Decide


Flights of fantasy can soar to the stratosphere,

you can build worlds, fight empires, rule galaxies.

Eventually have to come back to earth,

return to the dull world of the real.

There to be refreshed, recharged, renewed –

your body stretched, fueled up and readied for action…

Once again you jump into the enormous battle going on.

Your team goes for it all,

surges to victory,

takes another trophy home.

Where is home these days?

Reality seems to be dissolving,

crumbling before our eyes,

thick textbooks crammed with facts

morphing into websites packed with links,

physical abodes wired and wireless-ed into

a network inter-meshed thicker and thicker.

Are we the wires, or what is on the wires?

Some say that we are in a simulation,

that reality itself is implausible,

unlikely at this point in galactic time!

Difficult to say for sure,

everything is up in the air,

this cypher-body is done typing,

I’m going to wash my hair,

then go to bed, and dream of electric


Good night.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021



Here we go – again!

A five-hour summit in some remote land,

two world leaders warily shaking hands.

An exchange of ambassadors happens again,

Hostility’s hard ice begins to thaw - once again.

A part of me is relieved – don’t want to see WW III occur.

Another part is aggravated – how many times do we play this?

At least they talked, and seemed to agree to ‘cool it’

with the cold war rhetoric.

But there was no back-slapping goodwill like

the Reagan-Gorbachev years, no sir.

Just hesitant word-dancing by Mr. Putin,

mostly deflecting blame back at us.

Despite our decrepit infrastructure,

the United States is still capable of destruction

on an immense scale – they ignore us at their peril.

Why can’t the world just get along?

People never get along –

we are always fighting over something.

Just a matter of can we hold off on

destroying the world,

at least until our kids grow up.

They can repeat the nonsense,

but at least we won’t be around to see it.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Rather have one in a glass


Better make sure kitty has her rabies shots,

distemper and feline leukemia too!

Must keep our animals a healthy lot,

So they can drink our water and eat our food.

People, too, need shots to stay healthy,

Chicken pox and measles, and diptheria,

tetanus and meningitis and hepatitis,

whooping cough, polio, mumps and rubella;

and all the other -itises and -ellas out there,

at least the ones we know of...

With more of these nasty bugs appearing,

we need to keep getting stuck again and again;

Wonder how onerous these constant shots will get?

Maybe someday we will require a daily infusion

of antibacterial, anti-viral soups to help us survive.

Since people are mostly a collection of bacteria,

this is mainly a war of microscopic proportions,

and we are just “along for the ride.”

How to get the upper hand?

How will we ever know?

They probably control our brain too!

Good luck out there, and get your shots :-)

Monday, June 07, 2021

Back to Normal


The ballpark is once again full of crowds,

excitement roaring, Bright colorful lights, fireworks,

the bat cracking a hit, runners fleeing basemen.

Outside the park crowds circle and mingle and chatter.

The bars have full patios, folks mill about laughing,

cars cruise by, music booms and voices holler.

The whole city once again springs alive in the evenings.

Humanity exits from hiding, and comes together in joy.

We may have just beaten this horror,

this formless terrorist that held us prisoner for so long,

this cursed Covid-19 crap.

The highways are full of holiday drivers as well

as big rigs delivering new supplies for everyone.

You have to have toys to party with, as well as drive

to whatever party you seek.

Restaurants are swamped, stores are full, help-wanted

signs are sprouting up all over the place.

The economy is booming along once again.

Someday, another epidemic could arise,

and we should be wary of that.

In the meantime, party and enjoy, everyone!

We sure as hell deserve it after the last 15 months.

May one and all have a happy, festive and delightful summer!

Skating thru Dimensions


People of all ages move and mill around;

some skate with passion, flying over rails

and jumping curbs, zip up inclines and across barrels.

They leap, land, stop fast or sometimes fall down.

Stately male forms pose in motion, hair flying in the breezes.

If only one could capture that perfect human form.

Some cameras attempt this often.

The youth, the beauty, splendor of perfection,

golden mean, heavenly ratio of form -

to just be near it, and bathe in its radiance.

That one young adult likely obsessed at some point

over facial imperfections or acne or something.

He has little or no idea of just how perfect

his form and essence actually is.

Hopefully those who do will tell him or her

how beautiful they really are, so someday they

can look back, decades later, and think,

“yes, I was once that way too.”

Humanity ebbs and flows,

circulates and coruscates.

Grows up, grows older, grows oldest.

The cycle never stops,

only perception can pause it at times.

Thank goodness for the many windows,

doors and corridors of the mind to take it all in,

and gaze satisfied at the mental take over a lifetime.

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...