Those 1960s icons have just about disappeared,
even those who followed them thin away.
Gamer culture, terabyte touchscreens, and
angry memes now permeate our society.
Change, the malevolent relative that
will not leave us alone, rather goads us on
to greater achievements and scarier heights.
The present just a wisp to be savored before it,
too, evaporates into the realm of memories.
We struggle to make meaning before
meaning (or mincemeat) is made of us –
Is it worth it? Has to be, it better be;
Or the word may get out, that all is lost.
Future spaceships will propel colonists outward,
multitudes of new worlds be discovered and settled;
Restless, boundless humanity will scurry out into
the galaxy, no matter who or what stands in the way.
All the while hoping that ultimately it is worth the effort.