Saturday, August 28, 2021

Summer Segue Fantasy


“I nap below the raspberries,

wait for the sun to go down.

Cooler evening breezes will

bring me out again…

Moonlight illuminates my way

to explore, hunt, and perhaps to play…

The foliage shields me from the heat,

protects me from predators, but not insects...

provides some shelter from the heavy rains.”

Native Peoples and early humans must have

started like this, fashioning shelter from natural

growths, burrowing underneath foliage,

then modifying with additions.

We took from our environment,

made ever-larger shelters to survive,

modified surroundings in order to thrive.

Now we are too successful,

wiping out most natural surroundings.

Taking three steps back,

we try to mitigate the harm,

repair our earlier damages,

recycle and reuse the resources.

Only time will tell if we are successful.

But today I muse and pick fresh raspberries,

marvel at their explosive growth,

their shaded under girth that provides shelter…

And feel very thankful that they

are still around for me to enjoy.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Make it our last Stan


One last stand at the Kabul Airport.

Another foreign power tried to

remake a tribal society, and failed.

So the list grows – one more country,

We sent the Army over to achieve some

nebulous goals so clearly stated.

Some accomplished at a trillion per…

Here is hoping that we wait a very long time

before sending so much blood and treasure

on another wild goose chase.

Those geese cost too much!

Honor and respect other nations to “be,”

without endless meddling to force our ways.

Besides, we have plenty of messes to clean here.

Forest fires, floods, homelessness, climate disruptions.

How about a mission to improve and remake the USA?

Make us energy-independent with emphasis on renewable,

build small homes and villages for all of the homeless,

re-build cities after flood and storm damages;

There is certainly much that could be done here.

Let the Stans stand on their own,

render aid and help to Americans!

Now you know where I stand;

wave goodbye to the Taliban in Afghanistan,

let’s help the United States reach for the stars.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Help scrub the atmosphere - no effort required!


A few years back, I was wondering what to do with the back portion of my backyard, about the last 1/3 of the lot. (It is an area approximately 20 ft wide by 25 feet deep.) Since there is always something in the news about the ongoing deforestation of different areas, and climate change in general, it set me to thinking. Why not just give up a portion of my yard to CO2 sequestering? Let the grass grow tall, and any weeds in there grow as well. So I did. The lawn will grow, weeds will grow even more, with No Effort At All on my part, other than to not cut it down. The earth will do the rest.

It is amazing how fast the grass and weeds grow. And all of those plants are sweeping CO2 out of the air, and putting oxygen back in as part of their normal respiration process. In other words, the plants ‘breathe’ or take in carbon dioxide, and ‘exhale’ or let out fresh oxygen for people and animals to breathe. It is a natural cycle that has been happening for millions of years.

I felt good at how my backyard has grown, and how it is helping in some small way to clean the air that I and others breathe. But it made me think, what if others did this too? What if many millions of homeowners all across the US marked off a part of their yard, and just let it grow? They don’t even have to water it. The grass and weeds will grow in time, and they will take in more carbon dioxide, and give off more oxygen. Presto – a significant help to reduce pollution, and offset the greenhouse effect, in one summer!

I do do a bit of maintenance. I cut down anything too woody that gets growing, like small trees. I try to keep it to just plants and maybe shrubbery, and cut down or yank out any obvious trees that start to get growing. But if someone else wants a tree or two, go ahead – everyone has different wants for their yards.

I’m just thinking, what a simple, fast way to offset CO2 pollution and help clean up our air. You would also be creating mini-ecosystems for native plants and animals to thrive. It would be like humans giving the Earth a second chance. Definitely something to consider – and so easy to do. Just mark off a space, and let it grow. Something to give due consideration to, for sure.

     Those with allergies may not want to do this - or at least make sure your space is far back from the house.  This is not a perfect solution, but I think it could help.


Sunday, August 08, 2021

Another Return to Normalcy (sort of)


Here comes the parade of campers,

the formation of fifth-wheel vehicles,

a torrent of air-conditioned horse-trailers...

Everyone, get your yards ready:

Plot out those spaces,

get the signs all made up,

the Fair is coming again,

time to get busy and cash in big!

Over at the fairgrounds they are erecting

partitions and rides and pens,

food stands lining up, plugging in,

stocking up with all manner of things.

The din is increasing, along with anticipation.

Soon eager crowds will pour in,

people and cars, animals and exhaust.

Those of us who live nearby will witness it all,

many parking cars and cashing in on the fun.

(Some of us just want to get through another one.)

Another August ritual has started up again,

after the worst of the pandemic recedes -

Have fun, but keep the masks handy!

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Olympic Wonders 2021


The bodies could have come off an assembly line,

finely chiseled and cut, perfect muscular forms,

the start tone sounds, now we can witness 

a world-class performance.

Despite all the turmoil in the world today,

a small fraction of humanity is participating

in a pageant of wonder, a ceremony of splendor.

The very best of the best, the finest athletes are

competing for that very top spot in their sport.

To see these sculpted bodies pirouette and somersault,

spin and twist, jackknife and penetrate water,

or leap, twirl, head over feet, to a perfect landing…

It is a visual treat to watch these athletes,

even knowing the exhaustive practices, the pain,

emotional upsets that they must often endure.

Their preparatory time is measured in years, until

for a few moments they stand on a platform,

their national anthem played, their supreme

accomplishment enjoyed for a brief moment...

Soon another Summer Olympics will end,

and then we will have to wait until the Winter Games.

Do not worry, they are right around the corner!

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

A Shot Felt Around the World


Polio didn’t ask for a communist card,

or anyone’s current voter registration;

It just struck people down, took their kids,

crippled you up, put you in an iron lung.

Tuberculosis never waited for a verification

of anyone’s political aspirations;

rather drifted through the air into your lungs,

and that was it, the clock was ticking,

you were basically done for!

People saw others getting sick, then

were alarmed into trying to figure it out.

They studied it, took steps to help the afflicted,

and then built sanatoriums all over the country.

No one in the late 1950s argued about

whether the Salk vaccine was republican or democrat,

they just lined up and got the shot,

avoiding crippling disease and painful deaths.

Antibiotics are apolitical,

they cure everyone,

no matter what their beliefs or religion.

People of the opposing political party

may wonder if you deserve it or not,

that does not matter one bit to me,

just get your damned Covid-19 shots!

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...