Well there goes another one almost done.
Nights of grinding work gave way to
some retirement bliss and happiness.
And a discovery that a retiree is also
a marketing commodity, to be
relentlessly targeted with ads and scams.
Bombarded with garbage, occasionally
useful, often interrupting, irritating and
annoying. No wonder old people are grumpy.
“One in five US residents are on Social Security”
said one newscaster: A lot of grumps and growls!
Plenty of time now to surf the web and see
so many ways to spend scarce saved-up money.
(New employment is starting to look more appealing.)
As much as I would like to be of service,
It would frankly be nice just to survive.
New days bring sunny respite from horrible weather,
Balming up temps and renewing hopes alike.
New Years bring promise of new experiences,
fun with friends and family in the future.
Time to put gloomy old 2022 to bed permanently.
Was it Bad? Sometimes, but nowhere near as bad as 2020!
Happy New Year to everyone.