The young men charging out across
muddy, cratered fields into bullets,
so willing to go to their deaths – or not.
They get gassed, bombed, peppered with shrapnel,
some are left mangled, others survive,
still alive, yet permanently damaged.
Their offspring fight across battlefields
European and Asian, leaving death,
despair, carnage and torture across the globe.
The wars keep coming,
one after another.
Compelling reasons spouted by leaders,
populations follow willing or not.
Harsh, cruel, unfair deaths
bestowed on generation after generation.
Most have stopped asking why,
humanity seems determined to
heap misery upon itself,
over and over.
And now, this day,
we are getting ready to do it again.
No surprise, warfare;
no shock, carnage;
just head-shaking sadness.
Too bad we aren’t amoebas,
oblivious to everything,
not feeling the end,
not understanding or caring,
just wiggling and eating.
War, the human offense,
destroys innocent bystander The Earth;
Mother Nature crushed by tank treads,
destroyed by nonsensical human stupidity.
Pity the poor animals,
the only innocents left.