Sunday, February 27, 2022

Nazis are the Real Invaders


Who let the bear loose?

Thought it was caged in agreements,

soft words and easy blandishments.

Things were quiet for a few years there...

As if we could cage that long-simmering rage.

Now it is out and rampaging across European

lands, wreaking havoc just because it can.

Western “zookeepers” try to slap its paws,

to no effect whatsoever – it just yawns,

then goes on crushing hope in its maw.

How to explain to young people why they

must go overseas to fight for freedom – again?

I don’t hear any more jokes about ‘dumb Ukrainians,’

but I’m waiting for the new cracks about stupid Russians.

It is unfortunate that the world is entering this dangerous era.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Ready, Aim...


Now they are moving blood to the border,

Someone is expecting a lot of casualties;

Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Russian too.

War never operates like a chessboard or algorithm!

Terrified teenagers ordered to kill human beings,

fatigued, hungry and thirsty, scared and angry,

being screamed at by their officers, cajoled,

manipulated, lied to, sent to die for stupid reasons.

(remind anyone of previous conflicts?)

When these events come to a conclusion,

we always resolve to never repeat this idiocy.

But people being people, we always do.

The wonder is, what took it so long to repeat?

So now there are blood supplies moved to Ukraine’s border,

and I’m assuming it is not to feed the vampire battalion.

More dead bodies, more lofty oratory pronouncements….

The Bear is coming again – better lock and load.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Springtime is Coming



Balmy winds surprise and delight us on

February days with lengthening sunshine.

Unfamiliar sounds trigger some memory,

courting owls and doves, early robins sing

as if to say “the worst is over now!”

Cold and snow dip back in at times,

a few last hammer blows to show who is boss.

March is around the corner now, winter’s lost.

Green shoots occur, early buds to follow soon...

The world will explode in color, and reward endurance.

Just a few more weeks and we won’t have to

walk around bundled, and trundle like penguins.

Hoary cold will lose its grip on our tired spirits,

sun and warmth will renew our youthful spring.

We endure this crud every year, and it never gets easier.

So raise a glass and salute the coming spring glories,

that indomitable human spirit will conquer all worries.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Artificial Engagements


Are you really that happy to see me,

or is it just shine of nanotechnology?

Could we get together and mate some day,

my interface fits like a Cat6 RJ-45 and stays...

Your IM showed hot flesh and good promise,

when I replied, after you replied to mine!

Set a date and time to actually meet up,

but just like all the others you did not show.

Face-to-face meetups are so passe these days,

no one wants to travel or is afraid of a disease.

Best get together in a virtual setup someplace,

shed our inhibitions, and put our minds at ease.

We can share our fantasies and finish our business,

no obligations or commitments to overshadow us.

In moments or hours at most the relationship ends,

We can discard partners like wrappers, with little fuss.

One has to wonder how this will affect the human race,

when relationships are compressed so, in time and space.

Best not to trouble my tired brain with this deep issue,

Got to make that 3:00 virtual – (but I still miss you.)

Hard Copy

  Words on the screen are insubstantial, waving in and out, blurring the lines. Words on a printed page Black stamped on whi...