Sunday, March 27, 2022

Layered Realities


During an earlier age we entered data and

manipulated it on a green monochrome screen,

then retreated back into our mental worlds.

At a later time, one keyed stuff into a PC,

watched images and pictures flicker past,

was informed, entertained, enlightened.

Then retreated back into a mental world.

Time passes, the screens get smaller and more colorful.

We jump between things with finger swipes,

message, listen, view, chuckle and giggle.

Middle-aged men sit laughing at TikTok videos

(who would have stood by the watercooler in earlier times),

Then we retreat back into our mental worlds.

Someday there will be implants that will

transmit all of the Internet into our heads via nerves.

Then we will text, view, watch, laugh

and be entertained, but perhaps have to

struggle to retreat into our real mental selves,

so violated by our own technologies by this time.

We will become part of the slipstream of meta-reality,

pure energy entities merged, guided only by patterns.

And who will control those?

And does it even matter?

We probably will not know or care.

See you in the overarching-omni-ultra-metaverse!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Just another Tit for Tat


A country in Europe savagely attacked,

but the warning signs were evident.

A huge buildup took place on the border,

before the inevitable air strikes began.

While this is an unjust war against a neighbor,

we have seen similar scenarios play out before.

Civilian casualties including children’s deaths,

schools and hospitals bombed accidentally...

Accusations of war crimes reverberate in the UN,

the head of the Russian state vilified, as he should be.

But there is some eerie familiarity to events that took

place back in 2003, with a different leader held in contempt.

Things look different when the “shoe is on the other foot.”

But now we get to lay blame, heckle and harry the opposition;

Just like they did to us during previous expeditionary adventures.

War is horrific to local populations no matter the reasons,

conflict never solves problems, just re-draws borders

while hatreds are cemented and grudges are codified.

This one will end too, like all the others before it,

ultimate costs measured in dollars and in deaths.

Humanity will never learn the lesson,

just keep repeating mistakes with each generation.

But we will probably form new peacekeeping organizations,

and feel good about things – for a while, at least.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Natural Ascent


Who needs opiates, xanax or percocet?

We have an on-board, online 100-billion

neuron entertainment complex with us always.

Reach deep into your mental well,

tug out memories of pop songs, happy times,

pleasant refrains, compliments to yourself,

tug up that favorite tune from


Tears for Fears

Gary Numan

Green Day

Kurt cobain,

whomever you like.

and mix it with a happy memory of a beautiful time.

There it is:


yours forever,

feeling happy

costing little effort.

Because who wants to forget beautiful zaps

to your ego, reinforcements to your wonder,

your unique oneness contributing much to the

human race. Yes, you!

Whether crossing a finish line,

completing something for the first time,

mastering it for the fiftieth time,

there is no high so wonderful as a natural high.




And always yours.

See you someday,

tripping down memory lane,

were you might see past lovers,

or color-shaded wonders,

but never a jail cell or court of law.

No one can defeat us inside.

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Shifting Ground in Uncertain Days


A reader could learn

about the awful riots in 1943 Detroit, in the depths of WW II.

They could see the causes and reasons and results,

and gain understanding and insights.

Or read about the leadup to the Vietnam war,

the French at DienBienPhu, the US entry,

governments falling in Saigon, etc.

“Well, that was understandable given the fact that…”

There was that

sudden wonder of our leapfrogging

Space Program, and landing on the Moon.

“Well, they did get a huge amount of funding...”

The end of the Vietnam Conflict,

the stag-flagtion and the miseries,

economic malaise and social disgraces,

sweeping in of a conservative tide,

it’s morning in America again.

“Yeah, that was understandable in light of…”

On and on the historical events parade,

each with their mountain of footnotes and causes.

All comprehensible in the 1000-watt glare of hindsight.

Today, we find ourselves wearied of wars,

yet embroiled in the defense of a beleaguered country.

East and West are lining up opposing each other,

more swift than any sporting contest I can think of.

We watch events unfold, surprise after shocker after stunner.

“How in the heck did that happen?”

“How is this all going to end?”

“Who will ultimately come out on top of this mess?”

A mystery unfolding each day,

uncertainty pervades the mood,

insecurity gnaws at our psyches.

“War in Europe? Didn’t that end very badly last time?”

Historical records will eventually illuminate it all –

for the survivors. Let’s hope that we are among them.

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...