Saturday, July 23, 2022

Driving Human Nature


If you ever want to see raw human nature,

in live action, real-time selfishness in full…

drive on any freeway during rush hour.

Cars, trucks and SUV’s jockey for position,

people surging ahead and cutting other off,

slowing and speeding, tailgating and swerving.

The whole stream of cars become something alive,

writhing, steaming, slithering slowly south (or wherever).

Me right in the middle of it all,

no better or worse than any piece of

human wetware controlling a wheel and pedals.

When it slows to a crawl,

I curse myself, everyone else, the human race,

wonder why we have so many cars and people;

irrational or one-sided thoughts parade in a

stream of frustration inside that parallels the

stream of luckless vehicles outside my window.

Then, glimmers of hope emerge...

The line speeds up, seedometer needle goes from 5 to 10, 15

to 20, 30 and on up to 60-ish.

Ahhh, now that is more like it!

The mood lightens,

prospects suddenly become more cheerful.

My driving can resume semi-automatic,

as my mind jumps ahead to evening and weekend plans.

Just in case, I utter a little prayer:

“Please, no more traffic jams before I get home.”

Because I don’t care about after -

I’m a selfish POS just like everyone else out on the road.

See you out there one of these days :-)

Sunday, July 17, 2022



You’re up until you’re down,

You’re in until you’re out;

One group thinks you are A-OK,

but then another thinks you stink.

Popularity is a flickering wave

in a turbulent ocean of human desires.

Got to focus in and ride that crest,

then fade back deep for perspective …

sooner or later you’ll fall flat on your face.

Must needs to shift to some other mental place.

Thank goodness for the refuges from the game,

where we are not endlessly pursuing fame,

rating each other up and down and sideways…

Time to get out in nature and take a walk,

leaving every single device owned behind at home.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Finale Balance


Mow and weed,

scrape and paint;

strenuous indeed,

not for the faint.

Retirement was supposed to be easy,

all travel and pleasure and fun.

Not perched on a ladder feeling queasy,

Pushing through painting until done.

But there is a balance that can be found,

between entertainment and needed projects.

Some time invested in tasks profound,

then allow relaxation to pause and reflect.

There will be time enough for future entertainment,

while I gift myself with some needed goal attainment.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Crossing the Finish Line


Hoping to thrive after turning 65,

hereby declaring my retirement.

Memories of past jobs gone by,

Forced into situations and adjustments.

Started out in a high tech industry,

But forced by circumstances to go low.

Thought I would do so much,

money ideas flowed like water.

But here I am retired,

moving more like molasses.

Still getting projects done,

one by one,

slow and steady completions,

as the days crawl by,

and yet time still flies.

Maybe some travel will help my mood,

now suspended by strangeness

and disbelief.

How did I get all the way to 65?

And why do I still feel like 23 inside.

Questions, questions, questions.

Never too old to ask,

or be baffled by a lack of answers.

Compassion Rules

  So thankful for those compassionate human beings; Their kind manner and positive regard make my heart sing. They uplift my spirits an...