Friday, December 30, 2022

Bye 2022


Well there goes another one almost done.

Nights of grinding work gave way to

some retirement bliss and happiness.

And a discovery that a retiree is also

a marketing commodity, to be

relentlessly targeted with ads and scams.

Bombarded with garbage, occasionally

useful, often interrupting, irritating and

annoying. No wonder old people are grumpy.

“One in five US residents are on Social Security”

said one newscaster: A lot of grumps and growls!

Plenty of time now to surf the web and see

so many ways to spend scarce saved-up money.

(New employment is starting to look more appealing.)

As much as I would like to be of service,

It would frankly be nice just to survive.

New days bring sunny respite from horrible weather,

Balming up temps and renewing hopes alike.

New Years bring promise of new experiences,

fun with friends and family in the future.

Time to put gloomy old 2022 to bed permanently.

Was it Bad? Sometimes, but nowhere near as bad as 2020!

Happy New Year to everyone.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Thanks to the People of Service


Thanks go out to the people of all service,

willing and smiling, efficient and helpful.

A surprise encounter with fresh efficiency,

Informs me of my condition going forward.

The noise of worker shortages and problems

resounds from many media outlets. So one

goes out to shop or get seen by someone,

expecting the worst, god knows what.

Sometimes it can be difficult…

Then other days there is a pleasant surprise:

A smiling, efficient young worker who satisfies.

Bright store clerk who scans grocery items

with a “did you find everything?” then a

“Have a nice day.”

I will now, thanks to you!

A healthcare assistant all bright and efficient,

“Where did you come from, some miracle human mold?”

Takes my temperature, blood pressure and pulse.

(At my advanced age they should all be repulsed.)

never believe all the bad news you hear,

There is still good out there, do not fear.

Prime Time for Friends


So many familiar faces, and some new ones too:

we mingled and talked, sat down and chatted.

The month went by fast, weren’t we just here?

We shared ups and downs and compared memories.

Everyone in the room is exceptional here:

we are all survivors of decades of turmoil.

diseases, epidemics and pandemics alike;

discrimination, bigotry and harassment too!

It is so nice that we can sit down to dinner together,

despite any lingering, differing political beliefs.

We share a common orientation and similar history.

can trade anecdotes and forget any medical misfortunes.

Another year draws to a close, the holidays are on us,

some have no families, others may still be estranged.

Does not mean that we can’t still laugh and reminisce,

feel renewed hopes rise and birth a fresh happiness.

Happy Holidays to all however you celebrate,

raise a toast to a better year ahead for everyone.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Que Sera Sera


It is what it is,

and it is all that it is,

will never be any more than it is,

nor any less than it is.

Someone else will always tell you what it is,

their version will differ from yours what it is.

In the past it has been what it was,

No more nor less than exactly what it was.

Never certain of what it was because

of, but it was always just what it was.

What will be will be,

nothing we can do about it,

neither you nor me.

Things will be what they will be,

Whether we are chained or free.

How or why or where they will be

doesn’t much matter, they will just be.

The program will run on,

until the end of the universe.

We will not see that happen,

but can still be certain that

what will be will be.

And what is, just is.

And that is the way it is.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

A Dagger Poised


A small country of five million souls,

perched near the huge Russian bear;

They used to proclaim neutrality,

pragmatic and perhaps a bit scared.

In the twentieth century they have been invaded,

prodded and bullied for strategic territories;

Finns fought a short war with Russia in 1939.

They share an 800 mile border of miseries.

Recently things have changed again,

and Finland has joined in with NATO.

Those five million are willing to fight,

and their military is first-rate – Russia,

take note and beware. Checkmate, Putin.

Although there are caveats, such as

not wanting to provoke Moscow too much;

limits to stationing NATO troops in their country,

it still can act as a foil if Russians decide to march.

The desperately tough and resilient Finns led

the way to a stalemate in the north, and the

Western Alliance can breathe a sigh of relief,

for a time perhaps – until the next war!

Happy New Year 2025

  HNY 25 On this New Year's Day we stand, With hopes and dreams close at hand. The past behind, the future bright, A canvas fresh, in mo...