Once upon a time in 2003,
many congregations knelt,
prayed for a peaceful resolution.
Heartfelt appeals were made to
those in power both here and in Iraq.
All of the appeals and prayers failed
to stop the shock and awe destruction.
Many innocent people lost their lives,
Our service people suffered
physical and emotional damage.
Other wars came along,
there were songs and marches and rallies,
Wall Street was occupied for a while;
Salvos of speeches and prayers launched.
All of it in vain.
Brushfire wars popped up in the Baltics,
ISIS took the place of Al Queda,
More US troops deployed overseas,
more rotations of our national guard.
International embarrassments followed…
Afghanistan was home for some of our
military for two decades – but the Taliban
took over rapidly the moment we left.
The latest savagery is happening in Ukraine,
as Russia takes their turn being World Pariah.
Lots of prayers, peace marches, supplications.
They seem like a gentle breeze on faces of leaders,
who just keep ordering up more wholesale
death and destruction.
Praying for peace feels good,
the right thing to do,
humanity at its most noble.
But on our way back home,
pity the poor SOB who cuts us off
on a major thoroughfare in town.
If dirty looks or thoughts could kill…
Peace will always remain a noble and wonderful ideal,
even if we foolish human beings just never quite get there.