Here one sits on a huge pile of years,
memories of so many wonderful people gone;
one can feel lost and bereft, abandoned by
the significant ones, loves, and family lost.
But one has made it to another century,
many new things growing and brewing.
It is a wondrous time to be alive,
and here we are, still around, able to see it all.
Despite the consistent stupidities of the human race,
wonders will unfurl and stun us with uncanny grace.
We must keep on looking ahead, looking ahead.
Learn from the missteps and then let go, forget
them all, and stand tall on a promontory and look ahead.
The vistas keep opening, universe keeps expanding,
we must keep reaching and striving and grasping.
We simian humans who have conquered the world
now have new worlds to go to, taking lessons learned.
We can climb the highest trees, soar into the stratosphere,
visit our Intra-solar neighbors, and keep looking ahead.
Greatness is destined for those who stay determined,
and never quit, never abandon the effort, rather strive ahead.
Hollywood stars will come and go and fade away,
friends will falter and forget and move on.
We can release the family members who decease,
pull up our chin,
straighten our shoulders
and forge ahead!