Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Looking Forward


Here one sits on a huge pile of years,

memories of so many wonderful people gone;

one can feel lost and bereft, abandoned by

the significant ones, loves, and family lost.

But one has made it to another century,

many new things growing and brewing.

It is a wondrous time to be alive,

and here we are, still around, able to see it all.

Despite the consistent stupidities of the human race,

wonders will unfurl and stun us with uncanny grace.

We must keep on looking ahead, looking ahead.

Learn from the missteps and then let go, forget

them all, and stand tall on a promontory and look ahead.

The vistas keep opening, universe keeps expanding,

we must keep reaching and striving and grasping.

We simian humans who have conquered the world

now have new worlds to go to, taking lessons learned.

We can climb the highest trees, soar into the stratosphere,

visit our Intra-solar neighbors, and keep looking ahead.

Greatness is destined for those who stay determined,

and never quit, never abandon the effort, rather strive ahead.

Hollywood stars will come and go and fade away,

friends will falter and forget and move on.

We can release the family members who decease,

pull up our chin,

straighten our shoulders

and forge ahead!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Happy Mothers Day from me and Chat GPT

 A day to honor the one so dear,

Whose love and care is always near, A mother's heart so pure and bright, Guiding us through day and night.

On this special day we celebrate, The one who never hesitates, To give her all, her very best, And make sure we're always blessed.

A mother's love, it knows no bounds, With every hug and every sound, A bond that's deep and true and strong, A love that lasts our whole life long.

So let us cherish this special day, And in our hearts and actions say, Thank you for all you do and are, Our shining motherly star.

Thanks, Chatter - I couldn't have said it better myself ;-)

Monday, May 08, 2023



That ancient Imperial Court has acted,

the one so many others like to emulate.

A new king has been crowned in the land,

For a moment, an admiring nation prostrates.

No other celebration on Earth seems so grand,

no other collection of status and power so large.

At age 74 a new regent of Great Britain stands,

time to put aside hobbies, his duties to be discharged.

When the entire ceremony was concluded,

photographs and videos stored and sorted,

A nation and world exhaled and resumed

our usual cacophony and errors of war.

Yet for one moment, again, London called

to a world “Behold our bejeweled crown!”

We all turned from our routines and saw

beautiful pageantry and glorious renown.

Friday, May 05, 2023

Sinko Day Mayonnaise


Here we are in another artificial holiday that

sells beer and festivities and Latinx heritage.

Just in time for the Full Moon too – la luna.

A time to party, dance and walk naked outdoors!

Because the drudgery drumbeat of everyday life,

pedestrian, quotidian routines needed yet despised

never let up, nor would we really want them to.

Laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning and caretaking.

Grateful that we have those things to take care of.

The people that come into one’s life too,

they are the most precious of all things;

no matter how annoyed we might get at them.

All of those who have gone before, taken care of one,

paved the way for good health and celebrations today!

So raise a glass and make a toast, we are survivors

and benefactors too, and can celebrate this unique day.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Monday, May 01, 2023

No Dismay Day


Happy May Day,

Flowers abound and blossom all around,

Happy gay day, fae day, floral fabric day,

flounce and flutter and dance all around

the may pole or mossy boles or rabbit holes.

Launch new plans day,

a happier, joyful Monday.

Indianapolis 500 and Kentucky Derby,

NBA and NHL playoffs and golf tourneys.

So much excitement bundled into May.

The last chills of April give a chance to catch breath,

before jumping full on into May’s length and breadth.

Banners of frivolity unfurl and catch the winds,

People can get outside and have some fun again.

Enjoy your May Day with pleasure, not dismay,

That long dark winter has finally given way

to new colors and scents, bright floral displays.

May all have a happy, bustling Mayday today!

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