“The hours are diamonds” - Time waits for no one by the Rolling Stones.
Thanks to the Internet and archives,
One has the chance to take a deep dive
into any past era, in text, video or songs.
You can take your present self along
for a ride into a past era of your life,
one with different pleasure or strife.
Care to revisit the roaring twenties,
the depressed 30’s or wartime 40’s?
Strap in and get online and search,
More of nearly everything lurks.
That song that grabbed your head
back then will remind of times fled.
The world of your great-grandparents
struggles and triumphs and etc etc
rises up out of the screen to grip
your imagination, do a mental backflip.
Our hi-def, always connected world has
the built-in wayback machine to razmatazz.
Earlier generations were locked in black and white,
but we have multitudes of full-color delights.
Hard to imagine what future generations will have
that beats our best technical enhancements and assistants.