Wednesday, March 27, 2024


 The military is always on the lookout for new weapons;

Various advanced drones and aircraft flit about in our skies,

Beamed laser weapons have been tested for many years,

apparently without any useful results.  They should take a lesson 

from Marconi and Edison:  Keep on trying!

Perhaps better yet, weaponize peace and diplomacy.

All human beings want pretty much the same things:

food and water, shelter and care for loved ones.

Good times, love and laughter, and especially

freedom from endless warfare and conflicts.

Spread the word like a hypersonic missile:

Compassion, peace and empathy will remove

high casualty counts and increase productivity.

Cooperation can solve many vexing problems.

Casting blame and accusations, going on the attack

will only do more damage, and produce great suffering.

Fire your ballistic missiles of love and empathy,

and do the worst thing imaginable to your enemies:

absorb them into the greater whole of humanity,

 so we can solve our serious problems and move on out 

to ever greater accomplishments and experiences.

3, 2, 1....Fire!

Friday, March 15, 2024

Avoid Nuclear War


Ever since I’ve been alive,

all I’ve known is the nuclear sword poised,

hanging over us all, ready at any moment

to fall and send us all back to the stone age.

There was that brief decade of thaw,

when the Soviet Union disintegrated;

we seemed the victors in a new world order

that came about, for better or for worse.

Some mighty war toys got spent in smaller conflicts;

The new scare of terrorism reared up,

and every one had to adopt that security mindset.

Especially after those towers got hit and collapsed!

A new century brought new terrors,

but I never thought that the nuclear threat from

the last century would rise up again, bad as ever.

Now the world seems more fractured than ever,

Russia and China are allied against us again.

Yet somehow advancements keep coming,

the world survives, and some conditions get better.

So while the news frightens and alarms us,

we still enjoy more electronic conveniences,

we still manage to eat good and stay sheltered.

Most of us, anyway.

We never knew just what would happen until it did,

back in those Cold War days. Ironically,

we still do not know what will happen to us all.

Just have to keep trudging down that road.

Peace is still the best choice for leaders to make!

Monday, March 04, 2024

On the importance of important things


I like to post some poetry and the occasional mini-editorial on this blog. But I view it as a place to get out my creativity at times, and sometimes general impressions of things. This is not a bid for political power, or any kind of great importance. Rather is it just as a way to make my small ‘scratch on the fabric of the universe,’ a way of saying “I was here.” Just another flawed human being adding his voice to the chorus of humanity. Not in any bid to “be important” in some historical sense.

However, I am important to myself, and I hope, maybe to a few friends as well. Many other people are important to me in my life, in one way or another. My family is important, even though I don’t communicate with them very much. I still value them, and care about them. I’m not sure how may more years I’ll get to spend on this Earth, above it rather than buried in it. But my time with others is important. Making some happy memories with other people is important. Good health is important. (Some things that used to be important are not nearly as much now. )

After I retired, getting out and seeing the world (that I missed while trapped in a work setting) became more important to me. Watching finances to keep on going without undue money stress is very important too.

Fame and reputation I could care less about at this point. If I seem like some kind of a poser,  then my apologies.. Just trying to get out my “two cents” in the brief time allowed me here. Thanks for reading.

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...