Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Love those Leisure Drives


A vast blue surface dotted with fishing boats;

Not some distant ocean, but rather our local

Mississippi river shining in springtime.

Taking a drive along the river is a delight!

Sunday morning and there is little traffic,

the rest stops and historical markers uncrowded.

Time to enjoy the sunlit serenity and scenery,

unopposed by impatient or reckless drivers.

That time passes, and then the sun climbs, traffic increases.

Tailgaters in a hurry, trucks barrel along in the opposite lane,

noise and congestion increase, crowds appear at rest stops.

A small, peaceful interlude soon overwhelmed by humanity.

But I, too, am humanity, so I take up space on the roadway,

try to make the last exits and head towards home,

without hitting anyone or getting hit as the afternoon sun

tries to blind me along the busy interstate highway.

Make it home okay, and breathe a sigh of relief.

The next morning I get up, it's raining outside.

And there I am, inside, a map unfolded on my lap…

Plotting my next great exploratory drive north.

Never learning my lesson, and always thirsting for More.

See you out there somewhere – and Safe Travels Everyone!

Saturday, April 06, 2024

A walk along the spacetime trail


Not just a long walk on an asphalt ribbon,

but drinking spacetime up in big gulps.

Tasting the flight of hawks and vultures,

a waterfall rushing by on the creek,

sun-dappled buds unfolding everywhere.

I absorb ninety minutes worth,

filling up on moving limbs in an

easy gait, some footfalls on grass to

let bikers pass by on their electrics, hearing

a strident twittering of robins and sparrows.

Once I reach my vehicle, get to relax and

digest the experience of varied spacetime as

only a mind can, in all its fulsome scenery.

From my sore feet to my tingling scalp,

this spacetime went down good and smooth,

like the best of beers or finest of wines.

Tonight I’ll dream and drink a little more,

wake up refreshed and sober, ready to

consume more galactic vistas in nearby locales


Will leave it to the physicists to figure out

reality with their equations and computers.

I’ll just have another glass of time, please,

and slam that puppy down without a twinge of guilt.

Drink up!

Then and Now - This and That - Old Guy Musings

  Back in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, I was a poor working stiff. But I could go out and find places to spend money, when I had it. B...