Girlfriends of Republicans can date Democrats too!
When you are a member of the elite,
the well-placed degreed wealthy ones;
then you get to cross many social lines.
Quips are traded, barbs for sure,
tidbits and nuggets of information.
So those at the top become in the know.
A secret cabal in total control?
Not really – just a lucky moneyed class
with chins held high and superiority in play.
They are in the know and on top and so
they are, in a sense, in greater control...
Control of us poor uneducated workers who
swallow the sound bites and slog on in our jobs.
Who try to be nice to customers and do the dirty
work, and hang on to the weekend and consume...
Consume the spun half-truths and do what we should,
even do our patriotic duty and vote for stooge A or stooge B,
tweedle dee or tweedle dum presented to us as a solution.
Solution to problems intractable as the flawed human race.
The flawed human race that gave rise to them all to begin with.
We are the problem our mothers warned us against.
We are the alien invasion that we fear.
We are the source of all good, and all evil.
We may be the end of ourselves yet!
Happy election year everyone!