Sunday, August 25, 2024

Five-Letter War Killer


A five-letter word can overcome the mightiest armaments in the world.

It can save uncounted billions of dollars.

It can save hundreds, thousands and millions of lives.

It can bring out the very best in human nature.

It can help achieve miracles in medicine and explorations,

all based on active human co-operation.

The five-letter ‘magic’ word is P E A C E.

Peace can bring nations together,

Peace can cause a laying down of arms,

Peace can save trillions of dollars.

Peace can accomplish miracles using cooperation.

Peace can bring out the very best human qualities.

Peace can colonize outer space to the edge of the Solar System.

Peace is one very powerful five-letter word.

People should utter that word many times every day,

and use its magic and power.

Peace – the daily mantra that can transform our lives.

Peace can inject hope into the darkest corners of human misery.

What can peace do for you today?

Continental drift and climate change are small and weak,

compared to the mighty power of Peace and Human Cooperation.

Ok, I’ve said my piece. Peace and out.

Monday, August 19, 2024

New Blue Origins


What was happening in those blue warehouses?

Just a few fakey photo-ops?

Some bent metal here and there, fancy press releases.

A short-haul rocket that goes up to the Karman line,

then right back down, every few months?

Big deal.

No, not so fast. All of a sudden,

a Youtuber gets taken on a tour inside.

Inside several huge buildings,

gleaming white surfaces and 50-foot high ceilings.

Full of CNC machines slowly grinding away

at cargo fairings and the future of rocketry.

LOX tanks, Liquid Hydrogen tanks.

Six-limbed landing struts.

All moving slowly towards a launch date,

after some final integration and testing.

First stage and upper stage engines,

assembled, wrapped in foil,

ready to roar off some pad.

Jeff really has been busy!

If they don’t take off,

he has wasted billions on a show.

But this show is real,

I can feel it now.

SpaceX and Elon are getting some new competition.

This will be an exciting race ahead,

between Billionaires as well as nations.

Who will get humans back to the Moon?

Who indeed – things are more muddled up than ever.

Should be fun to watch it all play out live-streamed

in the next several years. Jeff or Elon?

Put your money down.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Fair Time in 2024


Heavily-loaded trailers fill side streets,

making hairpin turns to avoid each other.

Huge tents rise up in huge white sheets,

edges pegged down in fairground tundra.

Vehicles of all shapes and sizes arrive,

park on any available patch of ground;

they swerve and turn, try not to collide,

while animal and engine noises abound.

Smells and vibrations permeate nearby homes,

while residents fill parking spaces in their yards.

The impact is large in various business zones,

as well as in noses and stomachs and nerves.

From quietude and an areawide somnolescence.

erupts another State Fair’s explosive excitements.

May all have a great festive time this year,

as cooler temperatures add to the good cheer!

Friday, August 02, 2024

Quotes around the world


In poetry its hard to write a stanza

that makes sense and pleases an audience.

Once written you can read them in a plaza

or in an intimate parlor with a dalliance.

Quotable quotes in different languages.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep on moving.

 No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.” – Gabriel García Márquez

Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. - humorous German Quote.

Wees de verandering die je in de wereld wil zien gebeuren. - Dutch wisdom quote.

Meten es Weten. - Another Dutch quote.

Fais toujours de ton mieux même si personne ne regarde. - French inspirational.

Lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć - Polish Tidbit.

Å gå som katta rundt den varme grøten” - Norweigan observation.

Qui totum vult totum perdit” - Latin quote.

Дву́м смертя́м не быва́ть, одно́й не минова́ть - Russian Nugget.

Είπε ο γάιδαρος τον πετεινό κεφάλα - Greek Proverb.

Ayağını yorganına göre uzat. - Turkish Wisdom.

不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 (bù zuò kuī xīn shì, bù pà guǐ qiāo mén) - Chinese wisdom.

七転び八起き (Fall down seven times, stand up eight) - Japanese Proverb.

어디든 가치가 있는 곳으로 가려면 지름길은 없다. There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. Korean Quote.

Masa lalu saya adalah milik saya. Masa lalu kamu adalah milik kamu. Tapi, masa depan adalah milik kita. / “My past belongs to me. Your past belongs to you. But the future belongs to us.” - Indonesian quote.

And that is our brief trip around the world in quotes. Hope you enjoyed it, or at least it did not annoy you too much. Happy Friday.

Reversal of Linguistic Fortunes

  In whispers spun from tongues diverse, Where letters dance in clever verse, A mirror’s game, a playful twist, Languages spin, and none...