A five-letter word can overcome the mightiest armaments in the world.
It can save uncounted billions of dollars.
It can save hundreds, thousands and millions of lives.
It can bring out the very best in human nature.
It can help achieve miracles in medicine and explorations,
all based on active human co-operation.
The five-letter ‘magic’ word is P E A C E.
Peace can bring nations together,
Peace can cause a laying down of arms,
Peace can save trillions of dollars.
Peace can accomplish miracles using cooperation.
Peace can bring out the very best human qualities.
Peace can colonize outer space to the edge of the Solar System.
Peace is one very powerful five-letter word.
People should utter that word many times every day,
and use its magic and power.
Peace – the daily mantra that can transform our lives.
Peace can inject hope into the darkest corners of human misery.
What can peace do for you today?
Continental drift and climate change are small and weak,
compared to the mighty power of Peace and Human Cooperation.
Ok, I’ve said my piece. Peace and out.